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Responsive Website Design : Why is it important?

Responsive Web Design : Why is it important? RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN BASED ON SCREEN SIZE Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.Responsive site have the ability to respond to any movements you make. KEY FEATURES OF RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN Super Flexible : Responsive web design sites are fluid, meaning the content moves freely across all screen resolutions and all devices. FIEXIBLE GRIDS FIEXIBLE IMAGES Better Design : Responsive web design offers more flexibility and better design options. 320px 768px 1024px Cost Effective : Design one website for all type of devices and save the money. BETTER PERFORMANCE IMPROVE SEO SAVE MONEY Recommended by Google : Google states that responsive web design is its recommended mobile configuration, and even goes so far as to refer to responsive web design as the industry best practice. Googe Great User Experience : Responsive design provides excellent user experience. Better design and navigation increase user engagement. Desktop Design Tablet Design Mobile Design Increase Conversion Rate : Decrease your bounce rate by providing user a great experience and keep them on your site for longer time. 77% 45% 31% 13% Increase Coversion Rate WHY RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN IS IMPORTANT? (STATS AND TRENDS) 67% of users say that when they visit a mobile friendly site, they are more likely to buy a product. 67% 16% of smartphone and tablet users said "If page loads slowly, we give up." 5 out of 4 users now use their smartphones to shop online. Mobile traffic now accounts for 16% of all web traffic. 4.4 billion 1% 13% 30 % SmartPhone Users by 2017 2009 2012 2013 Out of the 4 billion mobile phones in the world, 1.08 billion are smartphones and 3.05 are SMS enabled. 1.08 billion are SmartPhone & 3.05 billion are sms enabled According to Google, 77% percent of mobile searches occur at home or at work, places where desktop computers are likely to be present. 77% Mobile searches According to Google 6 out of 10 users say they won't recommend a business with poorly designed mobile site. E Mobile Version About us 21% of traffic to major eCommerce sites coming from mobile devices. 21% traffic to eCommerce websites Created by: Source: KEYIDEAS agility. ingenuity. reliability

Responsive Website Design : Why is it important?

shared by dina-destreza on Jul 16
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Responsive website design is a definitive approach to web design that is aimed at crafting your websites for better viewing and online experience on wide range of devices from desktop computers to mob...




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