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How to Properly Charge your Cell Phone Battery

How to Properly Charge your Cell Phone Battery Batteries don't last very long, and we need to charge our phones several times a day. There's ton of options out there - external battery packs, portable chargers and many more. Until then, here's some tips and tricks for prolonging the life of your device. It is better not to fully charge a battery There are two stages of battery charging. The first stage, the fast charge, is when the voltage drastically rises. It shows full but in actuality, is only about 70%. The second stage, the trickle charge, takes much longer. It's when the voltage peaks, and the remaining battery is slowly charged from 70% to 100%. Turn off phone when it's charging Think about your battery, it's both being used and charged at the same time? Confused much? The battery is being stressed and is also unsafe. On a scientific level, the voltage and current is not able to stabilize. Avoid extreme heat and cold Think like your battery and keep it in comfortable environments. Stop using your device if it begins to overheat. Operating temperature should be between 32 and Fahrenheit. degrees Never discharge battery too low Don't worry, there are safeguards and a phone would shut off before the battery is overused. When storing a battery, be sure to partially charge it. Even a phone in a sleeping state uses battery. Your Cell Phone Battery is shipped with 40% charge Follow the directions and fully charge the phone before using it. The partially charged battery reduces stress on the cells and allows for self-discharge during storage. www.BESTONINTERNET.COM

How to Properly Charge your Cell Phone Battery

shared by sallytech0103 on Jan 17
Everyone is charging their cell phone many times in a day. But no one knows how to their phone charge properly. There’s ton of options out there – external battery packs, portable chargers and man...




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