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12 Essential Features Of an Effective E-commerce Website Design

Indian Wekaite Campany 12 ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF AN EFFECTIVE E- COMMERCE WEBSITE DESIGN USER FRIENDLY If your customers are finding it difficult to understand your ecommerce website or finding it complicated to search for their requirements then all your efforts and money will go in vain. MOBILE FRIENDLY 50% of ecommerce transactions are executed through mobile phone. Be it 50 products or 50000 if your website is not responsive or compatible with all devices it can annoy your users to bounce off your site immediately. HIGH QUALITY PHOTOS AND VIDEO Images and videos are of immense importance in ecommerce website design. Along with detailed product description your website should possess high defined images to entice the customers TESTIMONIALS GG Shoppers read reviews on ecommerce websites. About 95% of them, in fact. And 57% of consumers will only use a business if it has 4 or more stars. Its okay even if you have some negative reviews. RELATED PRODUCTS This is an immensely successful feature of an online store. Related items not only mean other items in similar category, but also items corresponding to the item your customer is looking for. COMMON QUERIES OR FAQ'S It is very important that your customer is totally satisfied before making the buying decision. All his queries need t be well answered and sorted BONDING THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA Creating a bond with the customers is not a new tradition. It was prevalent even when there was no internet or social media. A SECURE E-COMMERCE WEBSITE </> It is your foremost duty to provide your customers with a secure platform where they can come and make online transactions without any fear or botheration. PAYMENT OPTIONS Your ecommerce website needs to be incorporated with almost all payment options to avoid clogging the buying decision. If certain option is not there, make sure to explain why. TRANSPARENCY WITH SHIPPING CHARGES AND DETAILED INFORMATION The number one explanation for customer annoyance and shopping cart abandonment is alarmingly unexpected shipping costs. CONTACT PAGE Nothing creates confidence more than an unnecessarily obvious and well- presented "contact us" feature when it comes to operating an e-commerce site where most business takes place online. RETURN POLICY Return policies are a critical aspect of every website for e-commerce. It should be clearly evident and well-written or explained in your return policy. www +91 881 730 4988

12 Essential Features Of an Effective E-commerce Website Design

shared by indianwebsitecompany on Mar 08
A good ecommerce website design and development should have all the necessary attributes to attract, impress and convert your audience into your customers. It should possess the magnetism that whosoev...




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