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Treadmill vs Exercise Bike

TREADMILL VS EXERCISE BIKE WHICH IS BETTER? Treadmills and Exercise Bikes both are good for cardiovascular exercise. For those who are just starting out, the treadmill is the most appropriate choice on the other hand Exercise Bikes are suitable for users who are looking to supplement their fitness regimen with a cardiovascular workout. This Infographic will take you through both of these popular machines and help you decide which is best for your fitness requirments. POINTS OF DIFFERENCE TREADMILL EXERCISE BIKE 540 -800 420 Average calories burned in 60 minutes provide a mechanism for provide a mechanism for applying resistance to the pedals which increases the applying resistance to the pedals which increases the intensity of the Mechanism of Opperation intensity of the exercise. exercise. » Can be dangerous at > Can cause falls and impalement, resulting in head and limb injuries. high intensity settings > Can put stress on Safety spine and joints Space Requirment Both take up roughly the same amount of space BENIFITS > Direct training for events > Help to burn body fat » Weight Bearing » Can help with weight loss > Provide optimal calorie burn > Provides a low-impact workout > Mimics everyday activity > Safer than road cycling > Add variety to your workouts > Allows for interval training DRAWBACKS > You could lose your agility >> Can Be Monotonous >> You don't work as many muscles > Lack of Utility » It's boring > Not Real-World Training WHO WINS? According to American Council on Exercise, compared to other types of gym equipments, the Treadmill reign supreme in terms of caloric burn efficiency. WINNER WHICH FITNESS EQUIPMENT BEST SUITS YOU? If you are an experienced excerciser, treadmill offers highest calorie burn. If you've a nagging injury(bad knee or hip). exercise bike provides low impact workout. Sources https://www.spine- and-disadvantages-treadmill-use exercise- and-pain-relief Rowdy Fitness

Treadmill vs Exercise Bike

shared by rowdyfitness on Nov 28
Treadmill or exercise bike? That is one question that people ask quite often. The treadmill has been the most popular exercise machine in the market till today. So, what you need to understand before ...




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