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Twitter for Business

A Special Guide Вy BCP Design Why Twitter ? Everyday, millions of users create, share and discover ideas on Twitter Users also find great value in connecting with businesses of all kinds on Twitter to: * Share their experiences, both good and not so good * Provide feedback on recent events or launches * Discuss product ideas * Learn about exclusive deals or offers * Get customer service #3 Why Twitter for Business? * Raise brand awareness - Top of Mind * Strengthen existing customer relationships * Increase word of mouth referrals * Create buzz about upcoming events * Gain media exposure * Find new customers/client #3 Twitter for Business – Your Goals * New business * Communicate with existing clients * Competition Awareness * "Link Love" - Search Engine Optimization * Better Understanding of Twitter * Mobile Communication * Trend Monitoring * Instant Communications / Spontaneity * Keeping up to date * Brand Awareness * Reputation Management * Feedback / Support mechanism * Signposting to website * Sector Specific Communication #3 Best practices * Build relationships on Twitter * Listen for comments about you * Respond to comments and queries * Ask questions * Post links to things people would find interesting * Retweet messages you would like to share * Use a friendly, casual tone * Don't spam people Leverage the real-time nature of Twitter * Ask questions, float ideas, solicit feedback expect fast feedback most of the time and * If you've launched a product, new store or new campaign, search Twitter for comments * Respond to customer service issues quickly Engage in discussion on a tricky public issue your company is dealing with For more info and feedback Twitter for Business guide, why twitter, why twitter for business, benefit, Ġoal and best practice #3 For feedback If you are using Twitter in a cool way please let us know and follow us on @BCPĎesign BÓP BULTMAN COMPUTER PARTNERS

Twitter for Business

shared by bcpdesign on Jul 14
Twitter Business. Find everything you need to grow your small or medium business. Special guideline twitter for Business suggest by BCP Design included: Twitter for Business guide, why twitter for bu...


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