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22 Amazing Linkedin Stats

22 amazing


stats (Aug 2013)


Linkedin launch day:

May 5, 2003

Improve your profile Edit 216 connections

in Contact Info

#2 Total Number of Linkedin users:

238 Million #4

#3 Geographical reach of linkedin

percentage of linkedin visits via mobile 27%

200 countries & territories

#5 percentage of users that check linkedin daily: 27%

#6 total number of linkedin business pages: 3 million

#7 total number of products/services showcased on linkedin company pages: 1.2 million

#8 company page with the most engaged following: mashable

#9 average time a user spends monthly on linkedin: 17 minutes

#10 total number of linkedin groups: 1.5 million

#11 total number of linkedin endorsements: 1 billion

#12 average number of endorsements per linkedin user: 5

#13 total number of developers using linkedin's api:75,000

#14 number of linkedin employees: 3,700

#15 date linkedin went public: may 19, 2011

#16 date linkedin purchased slideshare: may 3, 2012

#17 amount linkedin spent on purchasing slideshare: $119 million

#18 slideshare monthly pageviews: 159 million

#19 number of slideshare users: 50 million

#20 number of presentations uploaded to slideshare: 10 million

#21 number of slideshare employees: 55

#22 number of slideshare presentations tagged social media: 51,853 22 amazing Linked in. stats (Aug 2013) Linkedin launch day: #1 May 5, 2003 216 connections Improve your profille Edit- In ca A Contact Info #2 Total Number of Linkedin users: 238 MILLION # 4 # 3 Pereentage of Linkedin visits via mobile Julianne Lee 27% 200 Who's viewed you Countries & Territories ysof pr onl degnerence of Linkedin #5 Percentage of users that check Linkedin daily: #6 Total number of Linkedin business pages: 3 million 27% #8 Company page with the most engaged following: Mashable #7 Total number of products/services showcased on Linkedin company pages: 1.2 MILLION #10 Total number of Linkedin qroups: 1.5 million #9 Average time a user spends monthly on Linkedin: 17 MINUTES #11 Does Michelle have these skills or expertise? Total number of Marketing Strategy x Social Media Marketing x Accounting x Linkedin endorsements: Marketing x Public Speaking x Type another area of expetse 1 billion Endorse Skip What is this? #12 Alverage number of endotsements per Linkedin user: 5 #13 Total number of #15 developers using Linkedin’s API: Date Linkedin #14 75,000 went public: May 19, 2011 Namber of Tinkedin employees: 3,700 #16 Date Linkedin purchased Slideshare: May 3, 2012 dehare Introducing #17 Amount Linkedin spent on parehasing Slideshare: $119 million #18 Number of Slideshare users: #19 50 million Slideshare monthly pageviews: # 20 Number of presentations uploaded to Slideshare: 10 million 159 MILLION #21 Number of 55 Slideshare employees: Tlumber of Slideshare presentations taqed # 22 SOCIAL MEDIA : 51,853 Source: Cheek out more infoqraphies by wishpond: Wishpond makes it easy to run social contests and promotions on Facebook, Twitter, websites and mobile. learn more at: eorp.wishpond.eom wishpond reach Geographical

22 Amazing Linkedin Stats

shared by WeAreWishpond on Aug 20
Did you know that there are 1.5 million groups on Linkedin? That’s 1.5 million different business niches represented among the 238 million Linkedin Users. That gives any B2B marketer a great oppo...




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