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The Five Eyes

THE FIVE EYES Emerging from a treaty signed during the Second World War, the secret UKUSA Agreement has evolved into a multilateral agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence between the Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Although the specific responsibilities for each agency remain obscure, each member leads the intelligence collection in different parts of the world. "Five Eyes' has now emerged as shorthand for this Western club of intelligence agencies. Australia Canada New Zealand The United Kingdom The United States Australian Signals Communications Security Establishment Canada Government Communications National Security Agency (NSA) Government Communications Directorate (ASD) Security Bureau (GCSB) Headquarters (GCHQ) (CSEC) The recent Snowden surveillance disclosures have renewed concerns around the world about the extent of electronic surveillance and information sharing between the "Five Eyes" in the digital age. Below, OpenCanada maps each member's regional responsibilities and the growing number of leaks showing those who have fallen under their watch. Washington DC, lunited Štates New York, United States Mexico City, Mexico The NSA gained access to the President's public email account as part of operation "Flatliquid", They also targeted high-ranking officials in Mexico's Public Paris, France The NSA has targeted the French Foreign Ministry, infiltrating its Brussels, Belgium Files suggested that the NSA had conducted eavesdropping on the EU Council of Brasília, Brazil Vienna, Austria The NSA infiltrated the The NSA monitored the The "metadata" of phone calls and emails from the Ministry of Mines and Energy were targeted by CSEC to map The nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was among the targets of American intelligence analysts. computer network of the Delegation of the United Nations internal video conferencing with a decryption that "dramatically increased the data from video European Union to the United States. The worldwide VPN network. They also accessed offices in the Ministers and the Embassy of India was also bugged. the ministry's communications, using a software program called Olympia. European Council buildings. phone conferences and United Nations and the ability to decode the data traffic." The Security Secretariat that combats the drug trade and human trafficking. Washington DC. Permanent Mission of India at the United Nations was also bugged. CIC Sources: thehindu,com CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL By: Benjamin Crase CONHEIL INTERNATIONAL DU CANADA

The Five Eyes

shared by OpenCanada on Nov 20
“The biggest risk to Canadian privacy may come from abroad,” write William Bendix and Paul Quirk in their essay ‘Spies Gone Wild: How Government Surveillance Got Out of Control’. Canada could ...


Benjamin Crase


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