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2012 Enthusiasm Favors Republicans

2012 ENTHUSIASM FAVORS REPUBLICANS Republican-leaning voting blocs consistently more enthusiastic about the presidential election in November. RESULTS INCLUDING SELF-IDENTIFIED PARTISANS 70 AGE 65+ AFRICAN AMERICANS O REPUBLICANS 2012 GOP Extremely Enthusiastic 62% 2012 DEM Extremely Enthusiastic: 49% A 13 POINT ADVANTAGE FOR GOP REPUBLICANS ENTHUSIASM GAP Favors GOP by 13 points O INDEPENDENTS 2008 Ballot: 44 McCain/52 Obama 2012 Ballot: 45 Romney/40 Obama A 12 POINT SWING AWAY FROM DEM - DEMOCRATS INDEPENDENTS 60 O WHITE MEN 2008 Ballot: 57 McCain/41 Obama 2012 Ballot: 61 Romney/30 Obama A 15 POINT SWING TOWARD GOP $10OK+ INCOME MARRIED EVANGELICALS PROTESTANTS O CATHOLICS 2008 Ballot: 45 McCain/54 Obama BATTLEGROUND VOTERS COLLEGE EDU 2012 Ballot: 47 Romney/47 Obama A9 POINT SWING AWAY FROM DEM WHITE MEN Median $50-S100K INCOME MEN CATHOLICS O AGE 18-29 50 2008 Ballot: 32 McCain/66 Obama 2012 Ballot: 35 Romney/53 Obama A 16 POINT SWING AWAY FROM DEM WOMEN NON-COLLEGE WHITE NON-COLLEGE WHITE COLLEGE EDU WHITE WOMEN HISPANICS UNMARRIED $50K INCOME 40 AGE 18-29 -50 -25 25 50 Favor Obama Candidate Lead Favor Romney HOW TO READ THIS CHART 2008 % OF ELECTORATE CANDIDATE LEAD SURVEY INFORMATION 9.00 Each circle = A demographic group in the electorate Size of the circle = 2008 percentage of the electorate Circles left of center support President Obama Circles to the right favor Governor Romney Higher on the chart = Greater percentage who are extremely enthusiastic about voting in the presidential election. Resurgent Republic National Survey of Registered Voters, July 9 - 12, 2012. Hispanic 2012 ballot numbers from Resurgent Republic National Survey of Registered Voters, April 30 - May 3, 2012. 2008 statistics from national exit polls. 20.00 -38.00 38.00 40.00 66.00 RESURGENT REPUBLIC Extremely Enthusiastic

2012 Enthusiasm Favors Republicans

shared by targetpoint on Sep 11
Republican leaning voting blocs consistently more enthusiastic about the presidential election in November.


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