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Top Programming Language | Mobile App Development 2022

Quokka Labs Top Programming Languages MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT IN 2022 SWIFT is a free or open - source programming language created for Apple's iOS , OS X , tvOS , and other Apple devices . If you want to add cutting - edge functionality to any program because of its adaptability , scalability , and flexibility , SWIFT is a go - to language . Apps Developed using SWIFT are - 1. Lyft 2. LinkedIn 3. Hipmunk , etc. It is a general - purpose , object - oriented programming ( OOP ) I anguage used in iOS app development . The developers who have some background in OOP ( mainly C ++ ) will find this easy to get along with . Like SWIFT , Objective - C is interoperable , and developers can use both languages for the same app . However , it is less secure than SWIFT . Apps Developed using SWIFT are - 1. Uber 2. Pinterest 3. Instagram , etc. [ OBJ - C ] A A relatively new mobile app development framework that uses Dart programming language . It was created by the tech giant Google & is known for its Hot - Reload feature and simplicity . Using this cross - platform framework , developers can develop mobile apps for iOS and Android . It is the dominant programming language for Android development on Android Studio . Apps Developed using Java for Android OS 1. Netflix 2. Twitter 3. Spotify , etc. This language is an alternative to Java and brings state - of - the - art programming t echniques for android development . It's less complicated than Java , and developers find it easy to write better , faster , and more efficient codes . Apps Developed using Java for Android OS 1. Square 2. Trello 3. Evernote , etc. This cross - platform and JavaScript based framework is similar to Flutter but has a far larger community . Developers can provide actual , localized , and finest mobile apps for iOS and Android more quickly and at lower costs . Could you share your thoughts with us below ?

Top Programming Language | Mobile App Development 2022

shared by quokkalabs135 on Apr 13
Top programming language used in mobile app development 2022. Read out and know more about it.


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