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SEO: Key Terms

objective There is a lot of jargon related to SEO and it can be difficult to understand some of the unique terms , definitions , and abbreviations . We've put together a short glossary covering some of the most common SEO terms . Alt Attribute A section of HTML code that describes the contents of an image . Useful for blind and visually impaired people . SEO : Key Terms Black Hat Any SEO tactics that go against Google's Webmaster Guidelines Core Web Vitals A set of metrics that measure the performance of the page related to user experience . Direct Traffic Any user that visits your website by typing the URL into the browser or clicking a bookmark . Engagement Metrics Methods of measuring how a user interacts with your website including conversion rate and click through rate . Freshness This refers to the age of the content on a website . Google Webmaster Guidelines A set of best practices create by Google for SEO professionals . Heading Tags Sections of HTML code that separate content based on importance with H1 being the most important and H6 being the least important . Inbound Link Any link to a website from an external website . JavaScript A programming language that creates dynamic content . Keyword A word or multiple words that matches a users search query . Can be targeted to raise the ranking in a search engine results page . B2B STRATEGY , CREATIVE & DIGITAL Link Building The process of trying to get other websites to link to your website . O objective Meta Description A section of code that is added to the head of the HTML document . It describes the webpages content and is often used as the description in search results Noindex tag A tag that ensures search engines don't index the page . On - Page SEO All SEO actions that take place within a website such as optimising the HTML or URL structure . Page Speed The amount of time it takes a webpage to load . Query The word or words entered into a search engine . Ranking Factor Any factor that affects the ranking of a web page for a specific query . SERP Stands for search engine results page . This is the page the search engine displays after you make a search . Traffic Any people or bots that visit your site . URL Uniform resource locater . A string of characters that is entered into a browser and leads to a resource on the web . Visibility The prominence and positions a website occupies within the organic search results . White Hat Any SEO techniques that comply with Google's Webmaster Guidelines . XML Sitemap A list of all the pages on a website that search engines need to know . Yandex The most popular search engine in Russia . Contact Objective , a leading SEO company in Sheffield for more information : WWW.OBJECTIVECREATIVE.COM

SEO: Key Terms

shared by ObjectiveCreative on Jun 28
There is a lot of jargon related to SEO and it can be difficult to understand some of the unique terms, definitions, and abbreviations. We’ve put together a short glossary covering some of the most ...




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