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Privileged Password Management ...

8 BEST PRACTICES FOR PRIVILEGED PASSWORD MANAGEMENT 1 Discover 2 Bring Privileged Accounts and Credentials Under Centralized Management All privileged credentials should be centrally secured, controlled, stored, and encrypted. Centralization ensures consistent enforcement of security policies (eg. rotation, password strength, encryption, etc) organization-wide. All shared admin, user, application, and service accounts, SSH keys, database accounts, cloud and social media accounts, and other privileged credentials across your entire infrastructure. Discovery should illuminate where and how privileged passwords are being used 3 Implement Password Rotation 4 Bring Application Passwords Under Management Passwords should be unique, never reused or repeated, and randomized on a scheduled basis, upon check-in, or in response to a specific threat or vulnerability. By implementing API calls (using a 3rd-party solution), you can wrest control over scripts, files, code, and embedded keys, to eliminate hard-coded and embedded credentials. 5 Bring SSH Keys Under Management 6 Implement Privileged Session Management Approach SSH keys as just another password, albeit with a key pair that must also be managed. Regularty rotate private keys and pass plvases, and ensure each system has a unique key pair. δΉ  pass Enables auditing of privileged activity for organizational security and to meet compliance regulations. 7 Threat Analytics Automated reporting and alerts allow IT to more rapidly act in response to threats. 8 Automate Workflow Management Implement a 3rd party solution to streamline and optimize the entire privileged credential management lifecycle. GET THE FULL WHITE PAPER H BeyondTrust" CR

Privileged Password Management ...

shared by emmaholland on Sep 02




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