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PHP Vs HTML: Which One is Best Code for ...

Deloitte pur to Inde yar express requareL'express'11 var router express.Routert): var User requtre('../models/user') Coding Y20-days-et-cooe / GET register router.gett'/register', tunction(reg, res, next) { return res.renderl'register', { title: "Sign Up' FADd (/register', function(reg, res, next) { 1f (reg.body.cnall roy.comtins PHP Vs HTML 1f (error) ( LF UTF nte o Specification #1 Code HTML code is static - It always remains the same every time we opened. </> PHP files are dynamic in nature and output will vary depends on the browser. #2 Language Type HTML is a markup language used to create web pages. It is the backbone of front-end development. PHP is an open-source, a popular server-side scripting language used for the development of a dynamic websites, web application and static websites. #3 When to Use HTML is used to develop the front end side of the webpage, which will organize the content of the website. PHP is used for a server-side programming language, which will interact with databases to retrieve information, email sending, run the logic and provides the content to HTML pages to display on the screen. #4 Developers HTML has a huge number of developers who are working and contributing continuously to improve it. PHP also has a large number of developers who are contributing to a new feature and support. #5 Easy to Learn HTML is very easy to learn; even if we have mistaken it will adjust. We can learn HTML in a short time. PHP is comparatively hard to learn HTML. We need to be careful while writing. PHP will take more time to learn. #6 Compatibility. HTML is compatible with all browsers. PHP is also compatible with all browsers. #7 Integration HTML page can be integrated with AJAX for dynamic web page development and for front end part of the website. PHP can be integrate with AJAX for dynamic web pages, different databases such as Oracle, MySQL etc. lil

PHP Vs HTML: Which One is Best Code for ...

shared by emmaholland on Jun 26




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