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How to Comply With Employees Health and Safety

5 Tips To Ensure That Your Employees Are Safe In The Workplace Keep Your Work Areas Clean Whether you work in an office or in a warehouse it's important to always keep your work area clean. Strewn garbage, unattended wires, and boxes piled floor to ceiling can create dangerous hazards for everyone. Give Clear Instructions Workplace safety is every manager's responsibility. If you don't give your employees clear instructions about what they need to do they may do the wrong thing causing danger to themselves and others. Show You Care You should show your employees that you care about them more than deadlines by shutting the machines down to avoid a potential safety hazard. Ensure Everyone is Properly Trained One of the best ways to avoid an accident is to ensure everyone in your team is properly trained. Offer the right amount of training and then make sure new employees are supervised properly. Create a Safety Bulletin Board Build a safety bulletin board in your workplace. This will serve as a general hub of safety-related information. You can include potential work hazards, news about upcoming renovation projects, etc.

How to Comply With Employees Health and Safety

shared by dominicreigns on Nov 18
Employers have legal responsibilities to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. As an employee you have rights and you have responsibilities for your own well being and that of your colleagues.




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