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Global Arms Trade

Chart of the Week WHICH COMPANIES DOMINATE THE GLOBAL ARMS TRADE? A look at the world's top defense companies by arms sales The world puts $1.69 trillion towards military expenditures each year, and about $375 billion of that went towards Arms sales as a % of total sales (2016) buying arms. LOCKHEED MARTIN 86% In 2017, the U.S. State Dept approved the possible sale of a THAAD antl-misslle Here are the 10 biggest companies by arms sales in 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN defense system to Saudi Arabla at an estimated cost of $15 bllon. $40.8B 31% BOEING RAYTHEON 95% Boelng's feud with BOEING In 2017, Raytheon Inked a deal Canada deepens as Ottawa announced It would buy used Raytheon with the UAE to produce 100 advanced Patriot Guldance F/A-18 Hornets from Australla rather than pursulng a $5B contract with Boelng. $29.5B Enhanced Misslles (worth upwards of $4.3M per unit). $22.9B 95% BAE SYSTEMS NORTHROP GRUMMAN 87% NORTHROP GRUMMAN Northrop Grumman recently agreed to buy rival Orbital ATK for $9.2B. Orbital – a manufacturer of In late 2017, BAE Systems BAE SYSTEMS locked down a £5B contract to supply Typhoon alrcraft wide range products from misslle to the Qatarl alr force. launchers to satellites – logged $22.88 $21.4B $4.4B In sales In 2016. AIRBUS GROUP 17% 61% GENERAL DYNAMICS GD Alrbus Group found Itself In hot water with Britaln's top AIRBUS GROUP anticorruption watchdog over "Irregularltles" Involving third-party Intermedlarles. $19.28 $12.5B General Dynamlcs and L3 Technologles won a $1.3B deal to supply the Royal Australlan Alr Force with flve modifled Gulfstream G550 Jets. LEONARDO 64% E LEONARDO $8.5B BAE SYSTEMS 85% L3 TECHNOLOGIES $8.9B $9.38 BAE SYSTEMS (U.S. subsidiary) 93% NOTE: Chinese arms-producing companies have not been included due to a lack of comparable and sufficiently accurate data THE MARKET'S HEATING UP Volume of arms transfers (Billons of trend-Indicator values) 50 40 Arms transfers are at thelr highest rate since 1990. 30 20 10 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 SOURCE: SIPRI "Based on the known unit production costs of a core set of weapons

Global Arms Trade

shared by bethliz on Jun 24




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