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Colors Around the World

COLORS around the world. COLORS ARE A POWERFUL WAY TO CONVEY AN IDEA OR A MESSAGE. They are a global resource used to invoke thought and feeling. COLORS by Culture ORANGE BROWN YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE RED BLACK WESTERN Culture Harvest Royalty Spirituality Wealth Practicality Наpiness Joy Luck Depression Love Intimidation Warmth Comfort Jealousy Trust Danger Death Affordable Stability Caution Greed Calm Action Mourning FAR EASTERN Culture Fertility Ноpe Prosperity Наppiness Spirituality Adaptability Earth Masculinity Feminine Wealth Health Industrious Privilege Spirituality Sacred Healing Good Fortune Prosperity Stability Mourning Royalty Life Relaxation Vitality INDIAN Culture Sacred Auspicious Sacred Ноpe Sports Strength Sorrow Beauty Evil Courage Mourning Harvest Comfort Wealth Darkness Love Virtue Nobility Power Negativity MIDDLE EASTERN Culture Mourning Happiness Prosperity Mourning Harmony Strength Fertility Ноpe Mourning Wealth Danger Mystery Mourning Loss Earth Heaven Virtue Caution Comfort Spirituality Royalty Evil Rebirth COLORS by Religion RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN PURPLE ORANGE (GOLD) WHITE RAINBOW CHRISTIANITY Represents the promise made from God to Noah after the Sores Water Unrighteousness Rest Corruption of wealth Gluttony Purity Righteousness Corruption Leprous Blood Heaven Life Radiance Growth Royalty Temptation Life, War Holy service Nature God's presence Hair Restoration Fine materials Health Sacrifice Fruitfulness Illness Repentance Maturity Frailty flood Purification JUDAISM Represents the promise made from God to Noah after the Illness Divinity Celestial light Glory Blood Divinity Height Depth Equilibrium Glory Life Purification Intellectual Sin purity Frailty Corruption Growth from sin Joy Happiness Disease Innocence Cheer Vegetation Light Life, Death Life Justice Salt flood BUDDHISM Achievement Kindness Freedom Youthfulness Wisdom Liberation Dharma Wisdom from worldly Vitality Karma Peace from space cares Fortune Compassion Harmony and time Grounded Dignity Action Nature Virtue Harmony Stability Fire, Life Balance ISLAM Often used in Muslim flags Protection Life (when Purity Nature combined Peace Often used Paradise with gold) in mosque architecture Sources: Buddhism darhma logo CC BY-SA 3.0 Koło Dharmy Top NNETRONG

Colors Around the World

shared by NowSourcing on Nov 28
Believe it or not, colors do not mean the same thing in every culture and religion. This infographic provides a deeper look into the meaning of colors in different cultures and religions.


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