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Celebrate Pi Day with this Fun Facts ...

HAPPY JTDAY! Pi day is celebrated on March 14th every year! 14 3.14 Pi is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter. The Pi symbol was adopted by Swiss ID mathematician, Leonard Euler, in 1737. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582... You could calculate the 133 YEARS spherical volume of our entire universe with the first 39 digits of Pi! Is the approximate amount of time it would take a person to recite the 6.4 billion known digits of Pi without stopping. The earliest reference to Pi occured in Ancient Egypt around the year 1650 BC. Pi Day was first celebrated in San Francisco in 1988. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The number 1 is the most commonly occurring number in the first 100,000 decimal places of pi. It occurs 10,137 times. Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein and NBA supertser Stephen Curry both are born on March 14th! D ID YOU KNOW? Most pizzerias and bakeries offer special Pi Day deals and discounts on March 14th? would take 12 billion digits of pi, typed in a normal-size font, to reach Kansas from NYC. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582... When people want to measure ripples emanating from a central point, they use pi. 2.7 TRILLION The record for discovering the most number of digits of pi belongs D ID YOU KNOW? to Fabrice Bellard. He calculated 2.7 trillion decimal places on just a desktop computer. Apple pie is the most preferred pie flavor amongst Americans, with Pumpkin pie comingh in scond, and Pecan in third. mashupmath All icons made by Freepik from Infographic made by Anthony Persico of

Celebrate Pi Day with this Fun Facts ...

shared by emmaholland on Dec 03




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