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AIDS Infographic

Brandon, you have to be The bigger person and It hurts' to be siting here writing you been tough, it has been filed with pain, tears, this letter. aur journe has Confront your problems, álk them out- Express youself. Don't run away from your pup problems. No matter what happens your family a lot of mistakes. I to caution heart ache; I made write this 'le tter now in order you of what you dont loves you unconditionally- They will'be 1here' need them most and may lay on the road ahead when you you least expect it. They will alwys pick you up when you fall. Love Them and help them at dery opportunity, they deserve it. Don't be afrad to love, and when love completely- Being open your eyes, and also to řell you what has become important life (esult of where In as I have been. The year is 2013 have been in do, prison years now. The speci fics and you you for four yong is no excuse, if you love someane Show and prove it. Do the right of how and why aren't what's important right now, there is a bigger picture. You gut here because of because of and because you were trying to be šomeone you are not. Just Know that people will always try and test now So you won't look thing back and wish you had done be tter , or done more. Watch ignorance, a mind set The company you Keep, your true Friends deserve the world. Dedicate yourself to things that are worthewhile. Do something you, positive each and no matter what you think, Only a real day. Always have caurage, with Carage will dare you man can walk to take risks, have the strength to be campassionate, and the wisdom to be humble- Carage is the faundationof integrity."(keshavan Nair). No matter what, always love yourself Anyone Can fight, the weakest people can frght Anyone act or react with violence, but a REAL MAN Can Can turn he other cheek and walk awaya Things gang happen that will make you bitter with those closest to you; are to Sincerely, YOU

AIDS Infographic

shared by fhssgeog2014 on Mar 19
aids information for the NUS Geog CHallenge 2014 which consists of 4 sudents




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