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10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor ...

Considering Phentermine? 10 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR DOCTOR Does my weight make me eligible for prescription weight loss drugs? Do any of my other medical conditions make phentermine use more risky? Phentermine is available for people with a BMI over 30, or a BMI greater than 27 in the presence of conditions that would improve with weight loss. Phentermine is highly effective, but it's not safe or appropriate for everyone. Ensure that your doctor knows your medical history. 4 Do any of my medications or supplements interact with phentermine? What side effects should Iexpect? Your doctor should discuss This is one of the absolute most important questions to ask your doctor (and pharmacist). possible reactions to phentermine with you. If for any reason he or she doesn't bring it up, make sure to ask. 5. Dol need to avoid anything specific? How often will I meet with you while taking phentermine? It's helpful to check if there are any restrictions associated with the new A critic you're taking a medication like phentermine is face-to-face appointments with your doctor. part care when treatment of medication. Should I adjust my diet or exercise routines? 8. What's the long-term outlook for maintaining my weight loss? Phentermine is a short-term weight loss aid, not a long- term solution. Healthy eating Be proactive at your initial consultation and speak with your doctor about weight maintenance strategies. and exercise habits make a big difference. 10 Can you recommend any resources to help me learn more about healthy living? Does my insurance cover this medication? Sometimes your doctor has this information, other times Everyone wants you to succeed and getting the right education & support is definitely part of success. you'll need to ask someone else in the office.

10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor ...

shared by adelegonzalez on Oct 01




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