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What's Behind Work Fatigue?

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WORK FATİGUE Trying to figure out why sitting at a desk all day makes you so tired? Why is my job making me so tired? Scientists don't know exactly why working a desk job can make us feel fatigued It might have something to do with motivation - fatigue could serve as a signal that we need to start doing something else Evolutionarily, this would make sense because we need to focus on multiple factors (safety, nutrition, etc) in order to survive What is fatigue? Fatigue is a state of physical and mental exhaustion beyond tiredness - including lack of motivation and low energy Are you experiencing fatigue from work? Situations that put workers most at risk for fatigue at work - Tiredness that lasts for days or weeks despite adequate sleep / Night shift / Rotating shifts / Long hours / Early morning - Difficulty concentrating, confusion, and disorganization - Feelings of depression or anxiety Or are you just tired? - Typically resolves after a period of quality sleep Usually happens within a day or two-not prolonged start times Can be caused by excessive exercise Americans are working more than ever before - we averaged Healthcare providers, first responders, and service employees are amongst the most likely workers to experience fatigue 37.5 47.7 HOURS HOURS Regardless of the biological reason, fatigue from work can cause real problems in 1976 in 2017 Fatigue and the stress it creates of workers in low-paying jobs of retail employees of people working 50+ hours a week 26% 26% 25% US adults who feel their job impacts their overall health negatively 14% 13% 7% in high-paying jobs of office employees of people working less than 30 hours Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed and struggling to deal with life's challenges Feeling physically and emotionally unwell Unhealthy coping mechanisms Lack of sleep Around 34% report head- aches from elevated stress 33% experi- ence feeling Around 50% have yelled or lost patience with their 46% say they are unable to calm their minds to Nearly 40% overeat or eat unhealthy foods as a result of stress Have nearly a 2X higher risk of injury than workers without fatigue 32% feel depressed or sad 34% report experiencing stress-induced fatigue Around 13% of work injuries can be attributed nervous or anxious partner and / or children sleep to lack of sleep Tips for getting your energy up Having chronic fatigue and stress because of work may feel hopeless – but there are ways to feel normal again At-work strategies Look into working from home full- or part-time Renegotiate hours or look for a new position to meet your needs Ensure that you are getting adequate break time – in many states that amounts to a mandatory 30 minute break for every 4-8 hours worked Remote work could help improve work/ life balance Talk to your boss about issues you have with your work situation to see if there's anything they can do Check with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration at to see if your state has specific rest time regulations If all else fails, take a day or two off to rest - while the Fair Labor Standards Act does not guarantee sick or leave time, many companies will provide paid or unpaid leave Focus on sleep Get enough sleep and rest between physically or cognitively demanding activities Adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep per night Align your națural body clock with your work scheduſe Use a natural solution like melatonin tablets to help regulate circadian cycles If you work the night shift, try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule even on your days off Try blackout curtains to block the sun if you sleep during the day Sleep and hydration might be connected - getting less than 8 hours of sleep can increase risks of dehydration, which can leave you even more tired Take care of your body Learn how to be mindful of the present moment to minimize racing thoughts Stretch your muscles with yoga or walk during your break Eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables per day Eating healthy is shown to improve mood, energy, and self-esteem 73% 10% Yoga practitioners are almost 10% more likely to report mental clarity than non-practitioners of studies show meditation results in significant stress reduction Fatigue and stress can be symptoms of clinical depression or anxiety - if you feel help is needed for those issues, please consult a doctor Sources: %2900015-7/fulltext Mindfulness-Based_Meditation_to_Decrease_Stress_and_Anxiety_in_College_Students A_Narrative_Synthesis_of_the_Research Don't let work fatigue and stress overwhelm you. What will you do to take back your life? Presented by: DEVELOPED BY N NOWSOURCING

What's Behind Work Fatigue?

shared by NowSourcing on Dec 20
We weren't really meant to sit in a chair all day. Learn what's behind work fatigue from this infographic!




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