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Unusual Jobs and their Paydays

S ONE UNUSUAL JOBS SS ONE AND THEIR PAYDAYS 3Э 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 Payday! > You know those jobs-the ones where you scratch your head and wonder if this is actually something that > Your second thought might be "How can I > For most of us, a job means something traditional either working in an office or a business or get a job like that?" someone gets paid to do? telecommuting from home. HERE'S A LIST OF UNUSUAL JOBS AND THEIR OFTEN SURPRISINGLY HIGH SALARIES. ADVENTURERS ONLY NEED APPLY If you are yearning to leave home and head to distant areas, then put the following jobs in your line of sight. SUBMARINE COOK • An Australian cook on a submarine can earn more than Even with only $187,000. " 6 YEARS of experience, a cook makes as much as a junior admiral While a cook's base salary is just under $60,000, this position is critical to the Australian Navy" and J warrants multiple bonuses and allowances, • OIL AND GAS DIVER • Job tasks include inspecting and installing rigs, welding, or laying pipe. "] You'll need to work on an oil or gas rig for weeks at a time, " A diver in this "growing field can earn as much as $80,000 PERYEAR. • AIRPLANE REPO MAN • Ever wonder what happens when someone cannot pay for the plane they just bought? 00OD000000000 Repo men earn 6% to 10% commission on the "resale price" of planes they find. " A repo man or woman can earn anywhere from $10,000 o $900,000 то per plane repossessed. • CROP DUSTER PILOT• Though this job may sound like something from the Alfred Hitchcock flick "North by Northwest.' crop duster pilots can earn $80,000 PER YEAR. #O While the job is well paid, it is not without risks. dodging electric wires B flying under telephone wires skimming the roofs of buildings • CRIME SCENE CLEANER • Not for the faint of 10 10 heart but necessary for Those with a Weak police investigation work. stomach should CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS not apply. a rSCENE DO NOT CROSS CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS CRIME SCENE D0 NOT CRUSS Crime scene cleaners clean up a hunt down the find bodily fluids murder weapon and key evidence a victim's blood from a crime scene B swab for later testing at a chemical testing lab a Crime scene $35,000 per year. (4] cleaners salaries start at around DESK JOBS WITH A TWIST You have heard of hackers, right? ETHICAL COMPUTER НАСКER So-called ethical hackers find glitches and weaknesses in the computer systems of businesses, These hackers can earn over $120,000 PER YEAR. " Those voices on the radio or on movies have a familiar ring to them, don't they? Experienced voice actors VOICE OVER ARTISTS can earn more than $300 for about 5 minutes of finished audio work, Over the course of a year, some can earn between $50,000 : $80,000 PER YEAR. '" TO SS ONE SOURCES: (1) http://www.daily (2) (3] [4] ONE PayDay One

Unusual Jobs and their Paydays

shared by Amcoffey on Jun 20
We all wonder how some people actually get paid to do the things they do. The question that often follows that thought is "Where do I find a job like that?". For the majority of us, work means traditi...




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