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Online Shopping vs. Offline Shopping

Online Shopping Vs. Offline Shopping SALE Online shopping became relevant in the last decade but offline shopping has existed since the existence of mankind. Ratio of Online and Offline users in UK I Cffline Shopper (55%) I Online Shopper (45%) Above is diffrence of shopper who prefer shopping online and those that prefer offline for the high street and mega malls Growth of online shopping and rise of internet shoppers in UK year by year 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Cffline Shopping Cnline Shopping 71% 76% 52% 71% of Shopper get query of that products which they want to purchase at Online 76% of women research about their products at online and buy offline 52% of Men's research their products brief about online and buy offline 92% 92% of customers are dealing with any fashion retailers Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest,or Official Sites f shop vastcal Mada 6iM)CIur Advantage Of Online Shopping Advantage Of Offline Shopping 1 Convenient at that level by where time and money can easily been saved 1 Consumers have not to wait for their product to arrive 2 Don't have to be up to date for shopping, Everyone can shop from home by their smart phones or tablets 2 Customer can deal face to face and be briefed about product directly 3 Cet good discount by Discount Coupon Code 3 Consumers can analyze their product by touch and see before purchasing. FI DEALS LANDS Designed and Published by : Online Coupon Codes CO.UK

Online Shopping vs. Offline Shopping

shared by patriciawilliamson on Dec 16
E- tailing has growing as a markable retail force—customers are shopping online. Now it's up to old brick and mortar retailers to revert.Online information capture is more detailed and continual. pr...




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