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How To Wear Yellow Sapphire And Its Benefits

How To Wear Yellow Sapphire And Its Benefits How To Wear The Yellow Sapphire? Before you plan to buy yellow sapphire, you have to consult with your astrologer and if it is recommended to you then go ahead. Ensure that it is worn on the index finger of the right hand for the right kind of effect on your body and mind. For yellow sapphire, gold metal is suitable. It should be worn on Thursday. The perfect time to wear a Pukhraj ring is in the early morning. Benefits Of Yellow Sapphire: Yellow sapphire promises of great health, wealth, happiness boost fertility, which no other gemstone can do. Yellow sapphire is also said to boost self-confidence and enhances concentration, owing to the positive effects of the planet Jupiter. For those who have issues with the digestive system, it is the stone to be. Yellow sapphire also enhances the Will Chakra in a person's body. It can also heal the ailments related to liver and kidney. Incase You Still Have Any Queries Write To Below Number 9216 11 3388 - 9216 11 6688 Gem

How To Wear Yellow Sapphire And Its Benefits

shared by 9gemus on Aug 28
The yellow colored Pukhraj gemstone is considered very effective. This gem is worn to get the blessings of Jupiter. It is a precious gem. Wearing it brings happiness in life. Know how to  wear this g...


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