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House Cleaning Statistics

HOUSE CLEANING BY THE NUMBERS HOURS SPENT ON HOUSE CLEANING On average, 51% of women do housework daily, compared with only 20% of men 51% 20% Women Men Average time spent on household activities: 26 Hrs a Day 2 Hrs a Day of cohabiting couples 47% argue about cleaning. Americans prefer to clean on a daily or weekly basis .... 54% The family that cleans daily gains back 730 Hours Women feel that a clean home is a reflection of self 87% Women feel better when their home is clean or 95% 30 Days about a year by hiring a cleaning service. Women care that their homes appear clean to visitors. 87% of women consider i clean floors and vacuumed carpets among the top priority for a clean home. Over 80% Most women between the ages of 25 and 44 vacuum every 2.25 Days I On Average A woman spends in a lifetime (for 4 hrs a week cleaning) 12,896 Hours! On Average 6,448 Hours A man spends in a lifetime (for 2 hrs a week cleaning) U.S. MAID SERVICE STATISTICS U.S. MAIDS MEDIAN PAY ΕMPLOYMΜΕNT PER YEAR 894,920 S $19,570 TOP 5 STATES WITH HIGHEST NUMBER OF MAIDS CALIFORNIA 93,920 3. TEXAS 56,150 FLORIDA 70,130 2) NEW YORK 52,030 4 PENNSYLVANIA 34,790 MAIDS AND HOUSEKEEPERS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD According to the International Labor Organization, at least 52 million people around the world, mainly women (83%),are employed as domestic workers. 19.6 Million 5.2 Million 2.1 Million 21.4 Latin America & Caribbean Africa Million Asia and the pacific Middle East 59,500 6,67,000 North America Eastern Europe and CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) COUNTRIES AND TOTAL NUMBER OF DOMESTIC WORKERS

House Cleaning Statistics

shared by jacktravis on Nov 25
This is a wonderful infographic on House Cleaning Statistics. It is clear from the infographic that women do housework daily as compared to men. Women feels that a clean home is a reflection of self a...




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