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Adding Insult To Injury

ADDING INSULT TO INJURY Face 9% 14% d Neck Shoulder 9% Wrist Lower Trunk 6% 8%ria 6% fand I1% Knee 13% Finger 20% Ankle 4% Foot Famous Claims Stella fiebeck Vs. MDonalds 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico Cleanthi Peters Universal Studios 1998 Orlando, Florida Compensation sought: 820, 000 Compensation awarded: $610, 00 Compensation soughti $15, 000 Compensation awarded: Never Diselosed Liebeck got more than she bargained for when she ordered a coffee at the local MeDonald's Drive-Thru, while attempting to add sugar and milk to the hot beverage, the 79-year old ended up spilling the entire contents of the cup on her lap The hot coffee caused third-degree burns to sia-percent of her entire bodies skin surface. Peters, with granddaughter in tow vieited Universal Studios theme park on Hallowven in '98 to get a huge fright, so scared in fact that she made a claim based on "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental an- guish.", 3 things that are pretty much expected and anticipated before entering a ghost house. When MeDonalds fail to pay the initial settlement amount of $20, 000, Liebeck's lawyers ramped up the claim and the jury ended up awarding 32 million dollars, twhich was later reduced by the presiding judge down to $640, C00. The grounds for the successful claim? MeDonalds served their coffee at a scorching 88 degrees Celsius (though any coffee aficionado knous that this is a perfectly normal temperature for coffee, you 've just got to let it cool doten a little for marimum enjoyient). The claimant argues that an employee chased her and her granddaughter toteards the exit twith a chaineaw and when the 57-year old and her granddaughter slipped, the employee stood over them menacingly with chainsaw still in hand. Next tine try the teacupe at Dieney Land, you may just get "love, soothing and mental solace" as opposed to "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental angaish." Milo Stephens Fr. Vs. New York CityTransit Authority Richard Overton 1977 New York City, New York Anheuser- Busch Compensation songht: 8640, 000 Compensation awarded: 8640, 000 1991 Detroit, Michigan Compenation soght: 810, 000 Compensation awarded: $0 Richard Overton had been watching the Bud Light beer commercials in which average guys find success teith gorgeous uomen by merely consuming beer which he claims caused him "emotional and mental distresa". The claimant believed the advertisements skeued his Stephens picked the right city and the right time to attempt suicide by throieing himself in front of a train, earning himself over half a million dollars. Launching himself off the platform and onto the tracks left him partially paralyzed and his family managed to find a latwyer who was crazy enough to take on the case. perception of hoe to interact with women and that drinking the product would increane his auccess uvith the opponite sex. The legal team uas able to win on the basis of the train drver not slowing down the train in time to spare Stephens of the bodily damags, despite the fact that he purposely placed himself in harms way Next time you see a crazy about to throw themelves onto the tracks, do your tar dollars a favour and yank them back onto the platform. The poor misguided man failed to receice any compensation in court, not so much as a free case of beer Perhaps the judge should have awarded him a free class in Marketing 101: sex sells. References http:www.the-injury-lawyer html DEJANSEO what-part-of-the-body-is-most-kely-to-beinjured-in-sportsSFcztYXJVw26's Restaurants http:/socyberty.comlawisix-absolutely-preposterous-lawsuits/ ADDING INSULT TO INJURY 9% 9% Tce 14% d Neck Shoulder 9% Wrist Lower Trunk 6% 8%ria 6% fand I1% Knee 13% Finger 20% Ankle 4% Foot Famous Claims Cleanthi Peters Universal Studios Stella fiebeck MDonalds 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1998 Orlando, Florida Compensation sought: 820, 000 Compensation awarded: $610, 00 Compensation soughti $15, 000 Compensation awarded: Never Diselosed Liebeck got more than she bargained for when she ordered a coffee at the local MeDonald's Drive-Thru, while attempting to add sugar and milk to the hot beverage, the 79-year old ended up spilling the entire contents of the cup on her lap The hot coffee caused third-degree burns to sia-percent of her entire bodies skin surface. Peters, with granddaughter in tow vieited Universal Studios theme park on Hallowven in '98 to get a huge fright, so scared in fact that she made a claim based on "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental an- guish.", 3 things that are pretty much expected and anticipated before entering a ghost house. When MeDonalds fail to pay the initial settlement amount of $20, 000, Liebeck's lawyers ramped up the claim and the jury ended up awarding 32 million dollars, twhich was later reduced by the presiding judge down to $640, C00. The grounds for the successful claim? MeDonalds served their coffee at a scorching 88 degrees Celsius (though any coffee aficionado knous that this is a perfectly normal temperature for coffee, you 've just got to let it cool doten a little for marimum enjoyient). The claimant argues that an employee chased her and her granddaughter toteards the exit twith a chaineaw and when the 57-year old and her granddaughter slipped, the employee stood over them menacingly with chainsaw still in hand. Next tine try the teacupe at Dieney Land, you may just get "love, soothing and mental solace" as opposed to "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental angaish." Milo Stephens Fr. Vs. New York CityTransit Authority Richard Overton 1977 New York City, New York Anheuser- Busch Compensation songht: 8640, 000 Compensation awarded: 8640, 000 1991 Detroit, Michigan Compenation soght: 810, 000 Compensation awarded: $0 Richard Overton had been watching the Bud Light beer commercials in which average guys find success teith gorgeous uomen by merely consuming beer which he claims caused him "emotional and mental distresa". The claimant believed the advertisements skeued his Stephens picked the right city and the right time to attempt suicide by throieing himself in front of a train, earning himself over half a million dollars. Launching himself off the platform and onto the tracks left him partially paralyzed and his family managed to find a latwyer who was crazy enough to take on the case. perception of hoe to interact with women and that drinking the product would increane his auccess uvith the opponite sex. The legal team uas able to win on the basis of the train drver not slowing down the train in time to spare Stephens of the bodily damags, despite the fact that he purposely placed himself in harms way Next time you see a crazy about to throw themelves onto the tracks, do your tar dollars a favour and yank them back onto the platform. The poor misguided man failed to receice any compensation in court, not so much as a free case of beer Perhaps the judge should have awarded him a free class in Marketing 101: sex sells. References http:www.the-injury-lawyer html DEJANSEO what-part-of-the-body-is-most-kely-to-beinjured-in-sportsSFcztYXJVw26 v McDonald's Restaurants http:/socyberty.comlawisix-absolutely-preposterous-lawsuits/ ADDING INSULT TO INJURY 9% 9% Tce 14% d Neck Shoulder 9% Wrist Lower Trunk 6% 8%ria 6% fand I1% Knee 13% Finger 20% Ankle 4% Foot Famous Claims Cleanthi Peters Universal Studios Stella fiebeck MDonalds 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1998 Orlando, Florida Compensation sought: 820, 000 Compensation awarded: $610, 00 Compensation soughti $15, 000 Compensation awarded: Never Diselosed Liebeck got more than she bargained for when she ordered a coffee at the local MeDonald's Drive-Thru, while attempting to add sugar and milk to the hot beverage, the 79-year old ended up spilling the entire contents of the cup on her lap The hot coffee caused third-degree burns to sia-percent of her entire bodies skin surface. Peters, with granddaughter in tow vieited Universal Studios theme park on Hallowven in '98 to get a huge fright, so scared in fact that she made a claim based on "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental an- guish.", 3 things that are pretty much expected and anticipated before entering a ghost house. When MeDonalds fail to pay the initial settlement amount of $20, 000, Liebeck's lawyers ramped up the claim and the jury ended up awarding 32 million dollars, twhich was later reduced by the presiding judge down to $640, C00. The grounds for the successful claim? MeDonalds served their coffee at a scorching 88 degrees Celsius (though any coffee aficionado knous that this is a perfectly normal temperature for coffee, you 've just got to let it cool doten a little for marimum enjoyient). The claimant argues that an employee chased her and her granddaughter toteards the exit twith a chaineaw and when the 57-year old and her granddaughter slipped, the employee stood over them menacingly with chainsaw still in hand. Next tine try the teacupe at Dieney Land, you may just get "love, soothing and mental solace" as opposed to "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental angaish." Milo Stephens Fr. Vs. New York CityTransit Authority Richard Overton 1977 New York City, New York Anheuser- Busch Compensation songht: 8640, 000 Compensation awarded: 8640, 000 1991 Detroit, Michigan Compenation soght: 810, 000 Compensation awarded: $0 Richard Overton had been watching the Bud Light beer commercials in which average guys find success teith gorgeous uomen by merely consuming beer which he claims caused him "emotional and mental distresa". The claimant believed the advertisements skeued his Stephens picked the right city and the right time to attempt suicide by throieing himself in front of a train, earning himself over half a million dollars. Launching himself off the platform and onto the tracks left him partially paralyzed and his family managed to find a latwyer who was crazy enough to take on the case. perception of hoe to interact with women and that drinking the product would increane his auccess uvith the opponite sex. The legal team uas able to win on the basis of the train drver not slowing down the train in time to spare Stephens of the bodily damags, despite the fact that he purposely placed himself in harms way Next time you see a crazy about to throw themelves onto the tracks, do your tar dollars a favour and yank them back onto the platform. The poor misguided man failed to receice any compensation in court, not so much as a free case of beer Perhaps the judge should have awarded him a free class in Marketing 101: sex sells. References http:www.the-injury-lawyer html DEJANSEO what-part-of-the-body-is-most-kely-to-beinjured-in-sportsSFcztYXJVw26 v McDonald's Restaurants http:/socyberty.comlawisix-absolutely-preposterous-lawsuits/ ADDING INSULT TO INJURY 9% 9% Tce 14% d Neck Shoulder 9% Wrist Lower Trunk 6% 8%ria 6% fand I1% Knee 13% Finger 20% Ankle 4% Foot Famous Claims Cleanthi Peters Universal Studios Stella fiebeck MDonalds 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1998 Orlando, Florida Compensation sought: 820, 000 Compensation awarded: $610, 00 Compensation soughti $15, 000 Compensation awarded: Never Diselosed Liebeck got more than she bargained for when she ordered a coffee at the local MeDonald's Drive-Thru, while attempting to add sugar and milk to the hot beverage, the 79-year old ended up spilling the entire contents of the cup on her lap The hot coffee caused third-degree burns to sia-percent of her entire bodies skin surface. Peters, with granddaughter in tow vieited Universal Studios theme park on Hallowven in '98 to get a huge fright, so scared in fact that she made a claim based on "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental an- guish.", 3 things that are pretty much expected and anticipated before entering a ghost house. When MeDonalds fail to pay the initial settlement amount of $20, 000, Liebeck's lawyers ramped up the claim and the jury ended up awarding 32 million dollars, twhich was later reduced by the presiding judge down to $640, C00. The grounds for the successful claim? MeDonalds served their coffee at a scorching 88 degrees Celsius (though any coffee aficionado knous that this is a perfectly normal temperature for coffee, you 've just got to let it cool doten a little for marimum enjoyient). The claimant argues that an employee chased her and her granddaughter toteards the exit twith a chaineaw and when the 57-year old and her granddaughter slipped, the employee stood over them menacingly with chainsaw still in hand. Next tine try the teacupe at Dieney Land, you may just get "love, soothing and mental solace" as opposed to "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental angaish." Milo Stephens Fr. Vs. New York CityTransit Authority Richard Overton 1977 New York City, New York Anheuser- Busch Compensation songht: 8640, 000 Compensation awarded: 8640, 000 1991 Detroit, Michigan Compenation soght: 810, 000 Compensation awarded: $0 Richard Overton had been watching the Bud Light beer commercials in which average guys find success teith gorgeous uomen by merely consuming beer which he claims caused him "emotional and mental distresa". The claimant believed the advertisements skeued his Stephens picked the right city and the right time to attempt suicide by throieing himself in front of a train, earning himself over half a million dollars. Launching himself off the platform and onto the tracks left him partially paralyzed and his family managed to find a latwyer who was crazy enough to take on the case. perception of hoe to interact with women and that drinking the product would increane his auccess uvith the opponite sex. The legal team uas able to win on the basis of the train drver not slowing down the train in time to spare Stephens of the bodily damags, despite the fact that he purposely placed himself in harms way Next time you see a crazy about to throw themelves onto the tracks, do your tar dollars a favour and yank them back onto the platform. The poor misguided man failed to receice any compensation in court, not so much as a free case of beer Perhaps the judge should have awarded him a free class in Marketing 101: sex sells. References http:www.the-injury-lawyer html DEJANSEO what-part-of-the-body-is-most-kely-to-beinjured-in-sportsSFcztYXJVw26 v McDonald's Restaurants http:/socyberty.comlawisix-absolutely-preposterous-lawsuits/ ADDING INSULT TO INJURY 9% 9% Tce 14% d Neck Shoulder 9% Wrist Lower Trunk 6% 8%ria 6% fand I1% Knee 13% Finger 20% Ankle 4% Foot Famous Claims Cleanthi Peters Universal Studios Stella fiebeck MDonalds 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1998 Orlando, Florida Compensation sought: 820, 000 Compensation awarded: $610, 00 Compensation soughti $15, 000 Compensation awarded: Never Diselosed Liebeck got more than she bargained for when she ordered a coffee at the local MeDonald's Drive-Thru, while attempting to add sugar and milk to the hot beverage, the 79-year old ended up spilling the entire contents of the cup on her lap The hot coffee caused third-degree burns to sia-percent of her entire bodies skin surface. Peters, with granddaughter in tow vieited Universal Studios theme park on Hallowven in '98 to get a huge fright, so scared in fact that she made a claim based on "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental an- guish.", 3 things that are pretty much expected and anticipated before entering a ghost house. When MeDonalds fail to pay the initial settlement amount of $20, 000, Liebeck's lawyers ramped up the claim and the jury ended up awarding 32 million dollars, twhich was later reduced by the presiding judge down to $640, C00. The grounds for the successful claim? MeDonalds served their coffee at a scorching 88 degrees Celsius (though any coffee aficionado knous that this is a perfectly normal temperature for coffee, you 've just got to let it cool doten a little for marimum enjoyient). The claimant argues that an employee chased her and her granddaughter toteards the exit twith a chaineaw and when the 57-year old and her granddaughter slipped, the employee stood over them menacingly with chainsaw still in hand. Next tine try the teacupe at Dieney Land, you may just get "love, soothing and mental solace" as opposed to "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental angaish." Milo Stephens Fr. Vs. New York CityTransit Authority Richard Overton 1977 New York City, New York Anheuser- Busch Compensation songht: 8640, 000 Compensation awarded: 8640, 000 1991 Detroit, Michigan Compenation soght: 810, 000 Compensation awarded: $0 Richard Overton had been watching the Bud Light beer commercials in which average guys find success teith gorgeous uomen by merely consuming beer which he claims caused him "emotional and mental distresa". The claimant believed the advertisements skeued his Stephens picked the right city and the right time to attempt suicide by throieing himself in front of a train, earning himself over half a million dollars. Launching himself off the platform and onto the tracks left him partially paralyzed and his family managed to find a latwyer who was crazy enough to take on the case. perception of hoe to interact with women and that drinking the product would increane his auccess uvith the opponite sex. The legal team uas able to win on the basis of the train drver not slowing down the train in time to spare Stephens of the bodily damags, despite the fact that he purposely placed himself in harms way Next time you see a crazy about to throw themelves onto the tracks, do your tar dollars a favour and yank them back onto the platform. The poor misguided man failed to receice any compensation in court, not so much as a free case of beer Perhaps the judge should have awarded him a free class in Marketing 101: sex sells. References http:www.the-injury-lawyer html DEJANSEO what-part-of-the-body-is-most-kely-to-beinjured-in-sportsSFcztYXJVw26 v McDonald's Restaurants http:/socyberty.comlawisix-absolutely-preposterous-lawsuits/ ADDING INSULT TO INJURY 9% 9% Tce 14% d Neck Shoulder 9% Wrist Lower Trunk 6% 8%ria 6% fand I1% Knee 13% Finger 20% Ankle 4% Foot Famous Claims Cleanthi Peters Universal Studios Stella fiebeck MDonalds 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1998 Orlando, Florida Compensation sought: 820, 000 Compensation awarded: $610, 00 Compensation soughti $15, 000 Compensation awarded: Never Diselosed Liebeck got more than she bargained for when she ordered a coffee at the local MeDonald's Drive-Thru, while attempting to add sugar and milk to the hot beverage, the 79-year old ended up spilling the entire contents of the cup on her lap The hot coffee caused third-degree burns to sia-percent of her entire bodies skin surface. Peters, with granddaughter in tow vieited Universal Studios theme park on Hallowven in '98 to get a huge fright, so scared in fact that she made a claim based on "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental an- guish.", 3 things that are pretty much expected and anticipated before entering a ghost house. When MeDonalds fail to pay the initial settlement amount of $20, 000, Liebeck's lawyers ramped up the claim and the jury ended up awarding 32 million dollars, twhich was later reduced by the presiding judge down to $640, C00. The grounds for the successful claim? MeDonalds served their coffee at a scorching 88 degrees Celsius (though any coffee aficionado knous that this is a perfectly normal temperature for coffee, you 've just got to let it cool doten a little for marimum enjoyient). The claimant argues that an employee chased her and her granddaughter toteards the exit twith a chaineaw and when the 57-year old and her granddaughter slipped, the employee stood over them menacingly with chainsaw still in hand. Next tine try the teacupe at Dieney Land, you may just get "love, soothing and mental solace" as opposed to "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental angaish." Milo Stephens Fr. Vs. New York CityTransit Authority Richard Overton 1977 New York City, New York Anheuser- Busch Compensation songht: 8640, 000 Compensation awarded: 8640, 000 1991 Detroit, Michigan Compenation soght: 810, 000 Compensation awarded: $0 Richard Overton had been watching the Bud Light beer commercials in which average guys find success teith gorgeous uomen by merely consuming beer which he claims caused him "emotional and mental distresa". The claimant believed the advertisements skeued his Stephens picked the right city and the right time to attempt suicide by throieing himself in front of a train, earning himself over half a million dollars. Launching himself off the platform and onto the tracks left him partially paralyzed and his family managed to find a latwyer who was crazy enough to take on the case. perception of hoe to interact with women and that drinking the product would increane his auccess uvith the opponite sex. The legal team uas able to win on the basis of the train drver not slowing down the train in time to spare Stephens of the bodily damags, despite the fact that he purposely placed himself in harms way Next time you see a crazy about to throw themelves onto the tracks, do your tar dollars a favour and yank them back onto the platform. The poor misguided man failed to receice any compensation in court, not so much as a free case of beer Perhaps the judge should have awarded him a free class in Marketing 101: sex sells. References http:www.the-injury-lawyer html DEJANSEO what-part-of-the-body-is-most-kely-to-beinjured-in-sportsSFcztYXJVw26 v McDonald's Restaurants http:/socyberty.comlawisix-absolutely-preposterous-lawsuits/ ADDING INSULT TO INJURY 9% 9% Tce 14% d Neck Shoulder 9% Wrist Lower Trunk 6% 8%ria 6% fand I1% Knee 13% Finger 20% Ankle 4% Foot Famous Claims Cleanthi Peters Universal Studios Stella fiebeck MDonalds 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico 1998 Orlando, Florida Compensation sought: 820, 000 Compensation awarded: $610, 00 Compensation soughti $15, 000 Compensation awarded: Never Diselosed Liebeck got more than she bargained for when she ordered a coffee at the local MeDonald's Drive-Thru, while attempting to add sugar and milk to the hot beverage, the 79-year old ended up spilling the entire contents of the cup on her lap The hot coffee caused third-degree burns to sia-percent of her entire bodies skin surface. Peters, with granddaughter in tow vieited Universal Studios theme park on Hallowven in '98 to get a huge fright, so scared in fact that she made a claim based on "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental an- guish.", 3 things that are pretty much expected and anticipated before entering a ghost house. When MeDonalds fail to pay the initial settlement amount of $20, 000, Liebeck's lawyers ramped up the claim and the jury ended up awarding 32 million dollars, twhich was later reduced by the presiding judge down to $640, C00. The grounds for the successful claim? MeDonalds served their coffee at a scorching 88 degrees Celsius (though any coffee aficionado knous that this is a perfectly normal temperature for coffee, you 've just got to let it cool doten a little for marimum enjoyient). The claimant argues that an employee chased her and her granddaughter toteards the exit twith a chaineaw and when the 57-year old and her granddaughter slipped, the employee stood over them menacingly with chainsaw still in hand. Next tine try the teacupe at Dieney Land, you may just get "love, soothing and mental solace" as opposed to "extreme fear, emotional distress and mental angaish." Milo Stephens Fr. Vs. New York CityTransit Authority Richard Overton 1977 New York City, New York Anheuser- Busch Compensation songht: 8640, 000 Compensation awarded: 8640, 000 1991 Detroit, Michigan Compenation soght: 810, 000 Compensation awarded: $0 Richard Overton had been watching the Bud Light beer commercials in which average guys find success teith gorgeous uomen by merely consuming beer which he claims caused him "emotional and mental distresa". The claimant believed the advertisements skeued his Stephens picked the right city and the right time to attempt suicide by throieing himself in front of a train, earning himself over half a million dollars. Launching himself off the platform and onto the tracks left him partially paralyzed and his family managed to find a latwyer who was crazy enough to take on the case. perception of hoe to interact with women and that drinking the product would increane his auccess uvith the opponite sex. The legal team uas able to win on the basis of the train drver not slowing down the train in time to spare Stephens of the bodily damags, despite the fact that he purposely placed himself in harms way Next time you see a crazy about to throw themelves onto the tracks, do your tar dollars a favour and yank them back onto the platform. The poor misguided man failed to receice any compensation in court, not so much as a free case of beer Perhaps the judge should have awarded him a free class in Marketing 101: sex sells. References http:www.the-injury-lawyer html DEJANSEO what-part-of-the-body-is-most-kely-to-beinjured-in-sportsSFcztYXJVw26 v McDonald's Restaurants http:/socyberty.comlawisix-absolutely-preposterous-lawsuits/

Adding Insult To Injury

shared by DejanSEO on Dec 01
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This DejanSEO infographic talks about four adding insult to injury stories. The first shows how Liebeck got $2 million dollars thanks to a cup of coffee. Second story talks about men drinking beer and...




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