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New Immigration Rules For UK Visitors

New Immigration Rules For UK Visitors Immigration Rules A new set of rules for visitors to the United Kingdom has been introduced taking effect on all applications made on or after 24 April 2015. The changes are brought about by Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules HC 1025. The new rules are set out in a new Appendix V to the Immigration Rules. A graph revealing approximate tourist arrivals in millions 1800 ESTIMATES Categories Of Visitor 1600 1400 Asia, Africa & Middle East (Millions) 1) Visit (standard) 1000 800 2) Marriage / civil partnership visit 600 1 Europe and 3) Permitted Paid Engagements visit Americas 400 200 4) Transit visit. 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Date What Can And Can't Visitors Do In The UK ? Can do (a) Visit friends and family (b) Incidental volunteering IMMIGRATION (c) Attend meetings, conferences, seminars, interviews LAW (d) sports tournament or sports event as an individual or part of a team (e) Film crew Can't do (f) Expert witness (a) Taking employment (b) Doing work for an organisation or business (c) Establishing or running a business as a self-employed person (d) Doing a work placement or internship; (e) Direct selling to the public; (f) Providing goods and services Percentage of Migrants 342 EU Australia India 1111 USA Middle East INew Zealand South Africa Extension Of Stay As A Visitor It is possible to extend stay as a visitor only in very limited circumstances under the rules. In exceptional circumstances and application outside the rules might be contemplated. An extension is explicitly ruled out for a PPE visitor or transit visitor. Other types of visitor can potentially apply to extend their stay if they meet criteria An application for an extension of stay as a visitor must satisfy 1) the decision maker that they continue to meet all the suitability and eligibility requirements for a visit visa. The applicant must not be in the UK in breach of immigration 2) laws, except for any period of overstaying of 28 days or less which will be discounted. Cancellation And Curtailment 1 False documents or information submitted IMMIGRATION OFFICEE 2 Material facts were not disclosed 24 JUL 1999 *HEATHROW 3 Conducive to the public good criteria apply 4 Failure to supply any information, documents, or medical reports requested by a decision maker. 5 The visitor ceases to meet the requirements of the Visitor Rules 6 False representations are made or material facts are not disclosed as above 7 The visitor fails to comply with any conditions of their leave to enter or remain Designing & Publish in Public Interest by Sources: Numbers of toursts (in Millons)

New Immigration Rules For UK Visitors

shared by DanielleCohen on Jun 13
A new set of rules for visitors to the United Kingdom has been introduced taking effect on all applications made on or after 24 April 2015. For more information visit






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