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Top 24 Bloggers Share Their Advanced Blogging Tips – INFOGRAPHIC

Top 24 Bloggers Share Their Advanced Blogging Tips Offer Bonus Content to Increase Adam Connel| SPA 01 Social Sharing or for Opting In. %! Amit Shaw 02 Protect Your SEO by Choosing the Right Web Host. Store Your Usernames and Passwords in One Place. Amy Lynn Andrews 03 Ammar Ali Provide a Giveaway or Host a 04 • II Contest. Use Your Personality. Use your Ana Hoffman 05 own voice. Brian Clark Start with the End Goal in Mind. 06 Value Your Viewers Time. Chris Brogan 07 Corbett Bar Have a Weekly Content Planning 08 Time. Make Your Intro as Awesome as Daniel Scocco 09 Possible. Darren Rowse 10 Spend 90% of Your Time Doing and 10% Time Learning. Target the Busy Bees and Give Them Small Chunks of Informa- Glen Allsopp 11 tion. Ileane Smith Create Multiple Posts on the 12 Same Topic. Ensure Visitors Can Get to Your Jane Sheeba 13 Sales Page From Any Page. Jeff Goins Write Unfinished Posts and Ask 14 Your Readers to Complete It. Use a Plugin to Show Related Posts. John Chow 15 Kiesha Easley 16 "White Space is Sexy in Blog Design" Always Publish your Posts on Weekdays. Neil Patel 17 7 Patt Flynn 18 Have a Start Here page. Explain Your Unique Selling Proposition. A Click Worthy Title has More Value than a Keyword Rich Title. Rand Fishkin 19 Sue Anne Reach Out to Fellow Blog- 20 gers. Have a Call to Action in Author Yaro Starak 21 Bio Box. Ramsay Taplin 22 Send New Commenter's to a Thank You Page. Use LinkedIn Groups for Con- tent Ideas and Marketing. in Rob Cubbon 23 Zac Johnson Treat Your Blog Like a Business. 24 YOUR ESCAPE FROM 9 TO

Top 24 Bloggers Share Their Advanced Blogging Tips – INFOGRAPHIC

shared by cent on Jun 27
Do you want the best blogging tips from the experts around the blogging world? How about 24 blogging tips from 24 of the top bloggers in an Infographic?


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