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2. THE TOP 15 SAVING TIPS THE USEFUL CHART THAT TALKS ABOUT TIPS TO EASILY SAVE MONEY Use coupon deals and discounts Save up to 90% Buy your favorite product online. By looking sites of coupon and doscounts you can save up to 90%. on your purchases Eye on on the season! In addition to being a correct practice for your health, buy fruit and seasonal vegetables and save up to 40%. Save up to Save 40% SHOP up to 90123456769 33% Choose the right supermarket Buy products with the brand of the supermarket and save up to 33%. If you do the shopping in a discount shop, saving can reach 55%. Loyalty Cards Save Save up to 40% through the use of loyalty programs that guarantee to you exclusive discounts and the opportunity to earn points that you can spend in the same business or in a circuit. up to 40% Eye on to electricity Buy energy saving light bulbs and power strips with central switch Save up to 80% can reduce electrycity consumption by up to 80%. on electrycity Buy home appliances A+++ Buying home appliances class A+++ instead of class A appliances, saves up to 30% on energy consumption. Save up to 30% Save up to 50% Save water! Purchasing water flow reducers to install on taps can save up to 50% on water consumption. Grandma's remidies Save on detergents and soaps? You can do it! Using "Grandma's remidies" will save up to 30%. On the internet you can find a lot of tips to produce what we'd bought at the supermarket. Save up to 30% on consumption Online insurances Online insurances allow you to save up to 30% due to the reduction of costs. Save up to 30% Buy products in bulk or on tap If you buy bulk products you can buy the quantity you require and you can save up to 30% compared to the same product with packaging. Save up to 30% Save when you travel Save up to There are flight deals available only on the web 40% that can bring down rates of 40%. on travels Save up to Compare prices online 70% Use the network to compare the prices of your major purchases. Using these online tools you can find savings from 10% to 70%. %24 Save up to 33% Driving the car quietly The faster you go, the more work will have to do the engine. Speeding can reduce the efficiency of fuel consumption by 33%. Buy the right tires Rolling resistance affects a lot on fuel consumption. The class A indicates minimal rolling resistance with a difference. Fuel consumption of -7,5% with respect to the class G. Save up to 7,5% Save up to Do not use air conditioning 20% The air conditioning requires the use of a lot of energy. Think before you turn it on and save up to 20%. A production by scontamelo Contents and design by: Sara Rota & Dario Maffioli for - More info: [email protected] ID 000 000


shared by scontamelo on Feb 10
Today we present a really useful infographic! The Boys of selected the best 15 tips to save money without much effort. Some may seem trivial, some others you may have already considered ...



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