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Santa's presents a cheaper Christmas

8 WAYS TO SAVE ON CHRISTMAS Statistics show that Americans spent about $997.79 on Christmas alone in 2020. Wel| since 2021 Christmas is coming up we decided to list a few ways to spend less on this year's festivities by Handmade X-mas 1 SALES, ON THE RIGHT TIME Prices are lower on October, but not as low as January. So planning ahead requires being an early bird and buy your quality ornaments right at the begining of the year since they are the cheapest then, which is what most retail bloggers wont tell you 2 DIY CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS If you got a creative side to you, you can make your own ornaments. Just buy the plastics or glass, most Christmas retailers are selling now and paint away! You can find real Christmas ornaments outside, just look for a couple of pinecones, and branches. 3 DIY OUTDOOR DECORATIONS You can find real Christmas ornaments outside, just look for a couple of evergreen branches. Or, a DIY Wreaths, just spend some cash on craft supplies. Larger ornaments can be done with the help of your kids. Make it a family activity! Garland is key here because it's cheap and can be used with everything. 4 IF YOUR GONNA BUY... Then do it right. Large Christmas ornaments are very expensive and not the best look rather buy a variety or save up the money. A larger ornament may cost anywhere close to a full 12 smaller peices of ornaments and it's more likely to break... 5 REUSING FAM ORNAMENTS Since you might be crafting your own ornaments either way , reuse old ones that've been long forgotten in your mom's basement. Clean it repaint it to your tast you've already got your crafting kit ready to use by then. Go wild with your artisitc side. 6 SPLIT IT WITH FRIENDS If your a college student or recently started a career and have a few roommates laying around, Why not have them chip in? Spend a reasonable budget and split it by four or however many you are. Make the most out of it, even if your away from family! ESTATE SALES SECRET Estate selling usually includes almost everything in the estate itself, so jump in over there and buy Christmas decorations for a nice price. You may even come across good deals for expensive ornaments. 8 FACEBOOK GROUPS FACEBOOK groups in your local area is a wonderous place, where you can find anything from cars to used towels for sale. Scour facebook your likely bound to find a good price on Christmas Ornaments and outside decorations. X-MAS O

Santa's presents a cheaper Christmas

shared by Mikenikelike on Apr 09
We realize it's a tough year for everyone and thought we can spread some support with our new infographic. Financial status should not be what keeps us away from having a good time. Here are ways to ...




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