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A little green goes a long way: Plants perfect for your office

A LITTLE GREEN Goes a Long Way Perfect Plants for Your Office OFFICE PLANTS CAN: Enhance the overall Reduce Remove air appearance of the office stress pollutants Section off areas of the office Help deter illness Improve concentration, memory, and productivity There are few elements to consider before choosing a plant for your office, including: LIGHT • In areas with low light, stay away from flowering plants. Seek out low-light plants if your office area gets little or mostly artificial light; low-light plants tend to have large, dark, broad leaves. WATER Typically, most blooming indoor plants and faster-growing plants require more water than plants with thick, fleshy leaves. • Overwatering is one of the main reasons indoor plants don't last. • After watering a plant, discard excess water that seeps out from the pot's drainage holes. Office Plant Guide If you want a low-maintenance plant, choose: SPIDER PLANT CHINESE EVERGREEN Very few problems; may get brown tips Can tolerate poor light, dry air, and drought WARNECK DRACAENA ZZ PLANT Adapts well indoors Can handle neglect and still thrive If you do have a lot of natural light, choose: SUCCULENTS Very drought resistant ALOE The gel inside aloe leaves can be used to relieve minor skin irritations and burns. POLKA DOT PLANT Leaves can be cut back to keep the plant small and bushy If you don't have much natural light, choose: FITTONIA Thrives on fluorescent light SNAKE PLANT Can easily rot, so use free draining soil PHILODENDRONS Available in vining and non-vining varieties POTHOS Can be grown in dry soil or vases of water PARLOR PALM Can tolerate dry air, but does better with higher humidity If you want to filter the air, choose: GERBER DAISY Can filter toxins such as benzene, a substance emitted by some printers AZALEA Can filter formaldehyde out of the air ENGLISH IVY Can reduce airborne fecal matter particles and filter out formaldehyde WEEPING FIG Can filter pollutants, such as formaldehyde and benzene, from carpets and furniture Plants can improve air quality and productivity, and enhance the look of your desk, cubicle, or office. • • • • • A small part of your job is 100% of ours.

A little green goes a long way: Plants perfect for your office

shared by Ghergich on Sep 26
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Plants in your office can increase productivity, memory, concentration while reducing stress, deter illness and remove air pollutants. Find out what office plant would fit your space and require littl...


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