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How to Use Stories to Sell Like Crazy In Your Email Marketing

HOW TO STORIES TO SELL LIKE CRAZY IN YOUR EMAIL MARKETING If you are not using the element of story in your email marketing you are missing out. If a story resonates with you, the odds are that you would eagerly await the The right story told to the right audience can boost engagement and conver- sion like crazy. next issue. HOW CAN STORY BE APPLIED TO MARKETING? While telling good stories can be more art than science, the good news is that there are familiar story archetypes that can be adapted to your marketing. HERE ARE 7 WAYS YOU CAN USE STORY IN YOUR MARKETING: SUCCESS STORY > Customer testimonials and case studies are success stories. Told from the perspective of a customer, these can be a powerful way to help your marketing be more relatable. Your prospects can read about a success story and identify with the customer because they may have a lot in common. In a different way, your own story of using your product can be a success story as well. It doesn't have the same perceived objectivity as a custom- er's story, but it can help you bond with your prospect because it helps them to get to know you and your product in the context of a story. A lot of insurance company adver- tisements use the cautionary tale. In other words, they show some poor guy or gal watching their car get smashed by a falling piano and the not so subtle warning to the viewer is that if you don't have insurance you're exposed to risk. The insurance agent in these ads, like the famous Flo character in Progres- sive commercials, is presented as the hero who saves people money while protecting them from loss. CAUTIONARY < TALE Similarly, if you've ever heard a life insurance pitch, you're familiar with the cautionary fale of what happened to some family when the breadwinner died without coverage. PARABLE: We all know famous parables like the Tortoise and the Hare. These are a form of cautionary fale except that instead of using a real story they rely on fictional characters. The message of slow and steady wins the race has been used to sell long term investments where the foolish hare who seeks fast gains loses out to the savvy Tortoise who invested wisely for the future. The power of parables is that they borrow a cultural credibility because so many people grew up hearing them in different forms, whether in kids' books or in movies or stories told at bed time. Everyone loves to roof for the underdog. Whether it's Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, Jack Bauer in the television series '24', or the biblical David versus Goliath, the underdog captures our imagination. UNDERDOG: Similarly, the story of the scrappy Apple Computer going up against the IBM PC and Microsoft or Avis competing proudly as 'We're number two, we try harder' against Hertz, are compelling marketing stories. ORIGIN STORY: Smart companies use their origin stories to their advantage. Henry Ford revolutionized the car industry with the Model T. Apple was born in a garage. Domino's pizza was founded on the 30 minute delivery guarantee. Because almost all business success involves hard work and some luck, there is almost always a story you can use in your marketing. ONCE UPON A TIME When It comes to emall marketIng, you can use storles to sell your products or even affillate products. You can talk about the problems that the product solves In story terms. AT THE VERY LEAST, YOUR EMAILS WILL STAND OUT FROM ALL THE OTHER MESSAGES IN YOUR SUBSCRIBER'S LE Whether you use storles from customer testimonl- als, your own company origin story, or parables, INBOXES. you can capture the Imagina- tlon of your emall subscribes by using story in your market- Ing. For more information on how to use stories to sell like crazy in your email marketing, visit PRESENTED BY Source: EMAIL DELIVERED MANAGE MONITOR MONETIZE

How to Use Stories to Sell Like Crazy In Your Email Marketing

shared by emaildelivered on Jun 18
If a story resonated with you, the odds are that you would eagerly await the next issue. Here’s how to use stories to sell like crazy in your email marketing.



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