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How to Spot a Gold Digger

How to Spot a GỖld Digger Some women love money and the trappings of success, but they also have a lazy streak. So instead of working hard at making their own money, they look for a free ride. Fueled, or course, by your money. She will eat, drink and wear only the very best, and will burn through not only your money, but your time and energy as well. ON THE DATE Before their date this guy was fortunate enough to read this infographic and was able to spot that the girl he was out with was a gold digger. Read on to learn how you too can spot a gold digger and how to get rid of one, once she gets her claws into you--and your bank account. Envy Expensive tastes Narcissist Gold diggers are never happy with what they have. She'll only talk about the newest phones, her friend's stylish new haircut and the gener- osity of her best friend's man -- and how she wished she had those things. Hint, hint. Beware of a woman who has cultivated a taste for the finer things in life, but who never has had to pay for them herself. Gold diggers have one agenda: To get what they want by using other people. And their boobs. The check Ordering Most women will offer to split the bill on a date, but this girl sits patiently and smiles coyly as she waits for you to eventually pull out your wallet. She's not shy to order the lobster and cham- pagne on the first date. In fact, you get the impression that she's done this (many times) before. Especially when she tells the waiter, "I'll have the usual.". Accessories The details Wandering Eye You can't help but notice that ring/bracelet/necklace she's flashing. When you ask her the story behind it, she just replies "It was a gift. To her, finding a man who can finance her lifestyle is a full-time job. If she doesn't think you'll do it, she's willing to put in the time with someone who will. Sure those D&B sunglasses look great, but don't forget they can hide her true emotions -- and eye-rolling when you tell her about your middle management job or the non-European, non-luxury car you drive. Car Keys She doesn't have a well- paying job, but she has keys to a Benz. Don't even wonder about this one; most likely it was a gift from her last sugar daddy. On the prowl If she has tickets to spring training games (but can't pay her rent), chances are she's scouting up-and-coming ball players who are looking for a WAG. Nonsense Miss Popular Who's account? Don't fall for the "I may be wearing Manolo Blahniks, but I can't afford my bills" line. If she can afford one, she can afford the other. Don't forget, it takes time for her to look gorgeous. Check her calendar and you'll find appointments like a mani-pedi with that hot Asian guy, a massage with Sven, a haircut with her stylist Marco and some time with her personal trainer, Luke. If you do ever see her pull out a credit card, give it a good look. Is her name on it? If it's a Visa Black Card, you'll know it's connected to someone else's bank account. AFTER DINNER Once you've determined she's only out for your bank account, and no matter what you do you can't get rid of her, here are some tips and trips to send her running for the door. Bankrupt Devastated Get creative Start dropping hints that your investments have The true nail in the coffin will be when this woman Start hiding your valuable possessions and accuse her of failed and you're doesn't feel awful for you and your "bank- ruptcy," but for herself. bankrupt. If that stealing them. doesn't work, have a friend dress up as an official who has Fall in love come to repos- sess some of your possessions while she's over. No matter if it's a shot of you with an old girlfriend or you're just good with Photoshop, put out photos of you with another woman and tell her Go bananas you've moved on. You have to be careful here -- if you go over- board, she'll know it's an act. Nevertheless, start saying outrageous com- ments, pretend to forget things and overall act like you're beginning to fall apart, Sacrifice If you really want to loose this woman, chuck your cell into a river/ocean/fishbowl. That way you won't have to block her or lie about losing her number. Forget your wallet Start leaving your wallet at home when you go out, so she'll have to pay. Or use lines like "Well I paid last time, so I thought tonight was your turn." Information provided by: ONLINE VUNIVERSITY Sources: | |

How to Spot a Gold Digger

shared by Angel on Apr 25
There are those women who love money above all else. Instead of working hard to earn their own way, they look for a free ride — fueled, of course, by your heard-earned cash. She will only buy the ve...


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