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How to Get Promoted at Workplace

HOW TO GET PROMOTED AT WORKPLACE Getting promoted is a complicated affair. You need to do lot more than merely working hard. Correct behavior and smart work are considered the golden keys that can grab you the coveted position you feel you are qualified for and so rightly deserve. Here we discuss the attributes that can help you get promoted over your peers. FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO GET PROMOTED" Make Your Work Visible Step 1 Doing good work is not enough anymore. Make sure the management knows about your extraordinary performance in a project/ situation. Exhibit Leadership Qualities Step 2 Whether you are born with it or have acquired it over time, you are your boss's favorite if you have leadership skills in you. Demonstrate Efficiency Step 3 Getting things done efficiently and meeting deadlines are some of the skills every employer looks out for. Have a Positive Outlook Step 4 A positive attitude can take a person a long way. Specifically if you are moving towards a leadership role, it is important that you are able to motivate the people around you. Take Feedback Constructively Step 5 Be open to the feedback from your employer and work on it to improve yourself. Conduct Yourself Professionally Step 6 Dress appropriately, be approachable to colleagues and your juniors, speak well, appear suave when socializing, be open to feedback, welcome suggestions and ideas and work with conviction. Be a Team Player Step 7 Being a team player is quite important and one of the fundamentals of being a successful employee. Emotional Intelligence Step 8 Staying calm under pressure, being open to criticism, being a good listener, making thoughtful decision and being empathetic to others are some of qualities that may help you bag a leadership role. Think for Team's Growth It is given that promotion means personal gain however you must know that great power comes with great responsibility. The higher you go up the career ladder, the more it is about the organizational growth. Step 9 Respect the Management Step 10 It is imperative that, as an employee, you respect your employers, be it your boss or the management. WHAT YOU NEED TO LEARN A promotion is never a reward, it's always a prediction of performance in the new assignment "In general, business is great, people are wonderful" "Concentrate on stories with happy outcomes" "Whiners are not liked. and they don't get promoted" "Having a job is # having a career" References: JQBCLUSTER,_who_doesn%27t,_and_why_by_don_asher.pdf be what you are

How to Get Promoted at Workplace

shared by JobCluster on Jul 07
Here we discuss the 10 easy steps that can help you get promoted over your peers. If you can implement these in your work life you are more likely to be the management's pick when the opportunity occurs.






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