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4 Top Tips for Writing Short Stories

The Key Steps in Short Story Writing START Everything Hangs On 01 The Start Get the start of your short narrative right and you STEP have the reader hooked onto the rest of the story. The format can be merciless on stories that start slow. Build up works fine in a novel; short stories need explosive starts much like a T20 cricket match. From Conflict Develop Your Character 02 For this particular genre, it works better if you can develop your character/s from the conflict present in the story. This will help you to be brief with the character and STEP not overdo their role in the story. This step also helps the writer set up his character in the quickest time possible without wasting valuable words or story space. Push Characters To The Edge 03 This format grants you the right to push your characters to the very edge and do it in double quick time. Setting, explanation, and, at times, even logic is exempt. When you push and push your STEP characters, it reveals their personality and psychology to the reader instantly. Keep It Short And Sweet 04 Simply put, cut the crowd out: Be it the number of characters, descriptive passages, or a convoluted storyline. Be as direct in your approach as you possibly can and leave STEP the frills out of the story. This is simply not the format for it. SHORT STORY e-Books India

4 Top Tips for Writing Short Stories

shared by hitenvyas on Feb 11
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If you're new to writing short stories and are looking for advice, the 4 top tips in this infographic will help you.


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