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Planting, Growing and Harvesting Times

BROUGHT TO YOU BY: PLANTING, aVant GARDEN DÉCOR GROWING,& HARVESTINGY OFACTS TIMES INTERESTING U.S. households spent $29.1 billion on their lawns and gardens in 2011. REGIONAL Tomatoes are grown in over 85% of all gardens and cabbage is grown in 302 of all gardens. BREAKDOWN OF AMERICAN FOOD GARDENERS (2012 National bardeoning Survey) 49% In 2008, Burpee releasod a roport saying a family will got an average 25-to-l return on its investmont in a garden. So, by that count, a family that sponds about $200 on a medium-to- largo garden, as Michelle Olbama reportodly did, will save $5,000 in grocery bills over the Courso of a year. ttp//erdenariratesm/H ten mt OF AMERICANS GARDENED IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS. WEST-23% MIDWEST-26% SOUTH-29% NORTHEAST-22% juicy, homegrown beefstale tomatoes Save bndle Why do people participate in home gardening? 58% 542 garden to save money on food bills. 352 garden to spend more time outdoors. GARDEN TO GROW BETTER TASTING FOOD. SIZ garden to grow BETTER TASTING better quality food. 482 garden to grow food they know is safe. 40% 232 garden to have food to share O with others. GARDEN TO FEEL MOREPRODUCTIVE! 21%* 30% garden to teach their kids about gardening. 22% GARDEN TO LIVE O MORE LOCALLY 252 garden to get back to basics! GARDEN TO HAVE A FAMILY ACTIVITY ZONE 6 PLANTING&MATURITY TIME FRAMES innovative oubdoor living PLANTING DATE April 5-25 DAYS TO MATURITY PLANT Asparagus @ant 130 Beets April l- 15 GG-65 Poppor April l (start soods indoors) 65-80 GARDEN DÉCOR Celery March 15 (start seeds indoors) I50 May 10 - May 20 April I (start soods indoors) Watormelon 80-90 Tomato 10-85 Love Your Yard. Summer Squash May 10 100-10S Winter Squash May 10 85-90 Spinach Aprill- Mayl 40-45 Radish March 25 - May! 25-30 Peas March 20 - April IO 60-80 Lettuce April l- May 15 60-85 Kale March 20 50-10 Eggplant April I (start soods indoors) May 10-25 15-90 Lima Bean 65-15 Broccoli March 15 60-80 Cabbago Cantaloupo Felbruary 20 (start seeds indoors) 65-80 May 15 80-90 Carrot April 10-15 10-80 Cauliflower June 20 GG-60 Corn June 80-100 Sour httpegehetcomaiedasorel pdeinghenocom/a areliphetede

Planting, Growing and Harvesting Times

shared by cynthiayue on Apr 29
Home vegetable and fruit gardening participation has increased exponentially in the past decade. In 2011, U.S. households spent a total $29.1 billion on their lawns and gardens.


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