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5 Tips for a More Energy-Efficient Home

5 Tips FOR A MORE ENERGY-EFFICIENT HOME o o 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 o o We know that heating and cooling inside your home can be costly. That's why we created a few tips to help you bring those bills down. 01 02 03 04 05 Frequently replace your Seal your doors and win- dows. A seal could be damaging to your home's energy efficien- cy and your monthly bills. Make sure no drafts are finding their way in your home. air filters. They only cost a couple dollars, but a clean filter can have a tremendous impact on your home's energy efficiency. Invest in low-flow toi- lets. 40 percent of your water consumption comes from toilets, but a low-flow toilet can save more than 8,500 gallons of water per year. Insulate your walls and attic. Yes, we know they have some insulation. But, you should invest in spray foam or addi- tional insulation. It's cost-effective, easy and will save you money. Be on the lookout for the Energy Star logo. Energy Star is an Ameri- can government organi- zation dedicated to reducing our country's environmental impact and certifies products that are energy effi- cient.

5 Tips for a More Energy-Efficient Home

shared by danmarkohio on May 02
We know that heating and cooling inside your home can be costly. That's why we created a few tips to help you bring those bills down.


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