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Chronology of the Christian Church: From Adam to the Present Day

CHRONOLOGY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH BOOKS OF SCRIPTURE Old Testament GENESIS 4000 3900 ADAM ( 930 ) 3800 3700 SETH ( 912 ) New Testament AGE OF THE PATRIARCHS ENOS ( 905 ) 430 YEARS CAINAN ( 910 ) 1ST DISPENSATION About 4000 B.C. - 3313 B.C. 2ND DISPENSATION About 3313 B.C. - 2344 B.C. * Dates are approximate and should not be considered exact . ADAM Seth Enos Cainan Mahalaleel I Jared ENOCH Methuselah 3RD DISPENSATION About 2344 B.C. - 1917 B.C. 4TH DISPENSATION About 1917 B.C. - 1487 B.C. 3600 Reuben Simeon 5TH DISPENSATION About 1487 B.C. -A.D. 30 1,517 YEARS Levi I Kohath Amram 6TH DISPENSATION About A.D. 30 - A.D . 1830 7TH DISPENSATION A.D. 1830 - Present MAHALALEEL ( 895 ) JARED ( 962 ) 687 YEARS Pearl of Great Price 969 YRS 3500 427 YEARS GOSPEL DISPENSATIONS DISPENSATION [ dis - puhn - sey - shuhn , -pen- ] A gospel dispensation is a period of time where God has at least one priesthood - bearing servant on Earth who holds the keys and has been divinely commissioned to dispense the gospel to the world . In addition to the seven most widely recognized dispensations listed here , it can be said that other dispensations have occurred , such as with the Nephites , Jaredites , and Lost Tribes . With more information revealed to us , we might also be able to say there were other dispensations as well , possibly with Abel , Esaias , Gad , Jeremy , Elihu , Caleb , Jethro , Zenock , and Zenos . In each of these dispensations , the gospel was revealed anew , giving the people of that dispensation renewed knowledge of the Plan of Salvation without having to rely entirely on previous dispensations . Today , we live in the " dispensation of the fullness of times , " as written by Paul , a time that began when the gospel was once again revealed to the people of the earth through Joseph Smith . I Lamech 1,800 YEARS NOAH Shem Arphaxad Salah J Eber Peleg I Reu Serug Nahor Terah ABRAHAM T Isaac I Jacob ( Israel ) 3400 MOSES David Judah Zebulun Isaachar 3300 Jechonias ( Carried to Babylon ) JESUS CHRIST Twelve Apostles JOSEPH SMITH ENOCH ( 430 ) Book of Mormon 3200 MTAN METHUSELAH ( 969 ) Gad 3100 LAMECH ( 777 ) 3000 Doctrine & Covenants 2900 from ADAM to the LATTER DAYS Dan NOAH ( 950 ) o City of Enoch Translated 2800 2700 ADAM Father and patriarch of the human family , Adam is recognized as the first man created on earth . After the Fall , Adam left the Garden of Eden and taught the gospel to his children . This was the beginning of the First Dispensation , which lasted about 687 years . ENOCH Enoch was a seventh - generation descendant of Adam , born 622 years after Adam left the Garden . Enoch was apparently called by God at the age of 65 , commencing the Second Dispensation in about 3313 B.C. The Second Dispensation lasted about 969 years . NOAH Noah was born in 2944 B.C. The Third Dispensation began in approximately 2344 B.C. when Noah was called by God at age 65 preserving only Noah and seven of his family members on Earth . The Third Dispensation lasted about 427 years . Asher Naphtali ABRAHAM Abraham was born in 1992 B.C. He was called by God to lead the Fourth Dispensation at age 75 in 1917 B.C. God made eternal covenants with Abraham , through which all the nations of the earth are blessed . The Fourth Dispensation lasted about 430 years . MOSES Moses was born in approx . 1567 B.C. and was 80 years old when he delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage . The Fifth Dispensation commenced in 1487 B.C. and lasted about 1,517 years . Benjamin Joseph -Ephraim Manasseh Several Generations | Ishmael Lehi JESUS CHRIST Jesus Christ was born in what is known as the meridian of time . His formal ministry began in 30 A.D. and the Law of Moses was fulfilled . It is during this time that the Sixth Dispensation is said to have begun . The Sixth Dispensation lasted about 1,800 years . 2600 JOSEPH SMITH Joseph Smith was born in 1805 A.D. and restored Christ's church on earth 1830 at age 24 , when the Seventh Dispensation also known as the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times - began . The Seventh Dispensation will continue until Christ returns . 00 2500 2500 2400 JAPETH The Flood 1800 SHEM ( 610 ) HAM 2400 Joseph Smith Born DECEMBER 3 , 1805 Born to Joseph Smith , Sr. and Lucy Mack 2300 Smith in Sharon , Vermont . Indo - European Peoples CANAAN 2300 2200 EBER ( 464 ) Tower of Babel ETHER o SALAH ( 433 ) ARPHAXAD ( 438 ) REU ( 239 ) PELEG ( 239 ) MIZRAIM Jaredites Leave Babel for New World 1810 Great Sea ( Mediterranean Sea ) Brother of Jared 2200 First Vision SPRING 1820 Joseph visited by God the Father and Ashdod Ashkelon Jesus Christ in a grove of trees near his home in Palmyra , New York in the spring of 1820 . Gaza Gerar . NAHOR ( 148 ) SERUG ( 230 ) Joppa IDUMEA 2100 2100 TERAH ( 205 ) Lachish . CANAAN IN OLD TESTAMENT TIMES ABRAM 2000 Accbo Megiddo JUDAH Jerusalem • Bethlehem . Abraham Settles in Canaan Moroni Visits Joseph Smith SEPTEMBER 21 , 1823 Moroni visits Joseph Smith in his bedroom and tells him of the ancient record recorded on gold plates . Tyre ABRAHAM 2000 Dothan . SAMARIA Bethel . 1820 ABRAHAM ( 175 ) Samaria Sechem Beersheba Compiled by Curtis Newbold using resources published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints on | 2022 1900 Jezreel Hebron • Hazor Sea o Galilee Abraham Leaves Ur 1900 Dead Sea En - gedi Mahanaim • Rabbah Jericho Mt. of Olives AMMON AGE OF ABRAHAM Dan Isaac Jacob & Born Esau Born Beth - shan Area of Sodom and Gomorrah 1800 BASHAN Joseph Smith Obtains Plates SEPTEMBER 22 , 1827 GILEAD Joseph obtains the gold plates from Moroni at the Hill Cumorah . MOAB Kir - hareseth EDOM 1700 Joseph Born Ephraim & Manasseh alt 1800 1700 1830 ITALY Rome Three Taverns Forum of Appius Israel and Family in Egypt Priesthood Restored 1829-1830 Aaronic priesthood restored by John the Baptist to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in Harmony , PA in May 1829 . Melchizedek priesthood restored by Peter , James , and John between June 1829 and April 1830 . Puteoli MOSES LAND OF CANAAN ( Palestine ) EXODUS MESOPOTAMIA Syracuse ISRAEL IN EGYPT Malta 1840 Rhegium . 1600 1500 1400 1300 EGYPT First copies of the Book of Mormon Sea of Adria Book of Mormon Published MARCH 26 , 1830 ( Jaredites ) LEVITICUS Moses became available in Palmyra , New York . JOSHUA DEUTERONOMY NUM WESTERN HEMISPHERE Israel Enters Canaan O Exodus Mediterranean Joshua RUTH JUDGES 1200 Church Organized APRIL 6 , 1830 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints organized in the presence of about 30 people in the home of Peter Whitmer in Fayette Township , New York . Samson 1850 Gideon MACEDONIA ACHAIA RETURN REIGN OF THE TO JUDGES CAÑAAN 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1100 Berea Samuel Ruth Corinth First temple of the latter - days completed and dedicated in Kirtland , Ohio . Cyrene 1 SAMUEL Kirtland Temple Dedicated MARCH 27 , 1836 MINOR KINGDOMS 1000 UNITED ISRAEL Philippi Thessalonica THE ROMAN EMPIRE DURING CHRIST'S LIFE David O Saul Fair Havens Athens Solomon Temple Built UNITED KINGDOM 1000 Ahab Elijah Jeroboam Elisha Se a 1860 900 Crete 1 CHRON . 2 CHRONICLES 2 SAM . 1 KINGS 2 KINGS 1 NEPHI 2 NEP AMOS ZEPH . PSALMS , PROVERBS , SONG OF SOLOMON , ECCLESIASTES JACOB ENOS JAROM OMNI HABAKKUK ESTHER JEREM . & LAM . HAGGAI MALACHI ISAIAH OBAD . DANIEL ZECH . JOB JOSH . MICAH JOEL EZEK . Troas • Pergamum Rehoboam MYSIA ASIA KINGDOM Omri OF ISRAEL 900 800 Assyrian Captivity O Relief Society Organized MARCH 17 , 1842 Female society organized in Nauvoo , Illinois . Jehoram Asa Jehoshaphat Smyria Ephesus Black Sea Cnidus DIVIDED KINGDOM Miletus Jonah ASSYRIA BABYLON KINGDOM Isaiah OF JUDAH 700 600 Ten Tribes Lost Uzziah Lehi Leaves Jerusalem Jeremiah BITHYNIA 1870 Ether Josiah Joseph Smith Martyred JUNE 27 , 1844 Ezekiel Babylonian Captivity Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum Smith Alexandria . martyred by an angry mob in Carthage Jail . Daniel EXILE 800 700 600 Myra Lehi GALATIA Antioch Perga EZRA 500 BABYLON PERSIA First Return Nephi Hezekiah Jerusalem Destroyed Haggai Zechariah O Temple Rebuilt Mulek Leaves Jerusalem Coriantumr Mulek Jacob PONTUS Laman Iconium Derbe Enos PERSIA Esther 500 Salamis Cyrpus NEHEMIAH 400 PERSIA e . Second Return Third Return Malachi Ezra Members at church conference sustained Brigham Young and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as leaders of the Church in Nauvoo , Illinois . CILICIA Mulekites ( People of Zarahemla ) Lamanites Tarsus 300 400 1880 Caesarea Tyre CAPPADOCIA RETURN OF THE GREEK JEWS DOMINATION Nephites Mosiah Jarom Omni Antioch Jerusalem Gaza PHOENICIA Alma Teaches Lamanites 300 Samaria Joppa Damascus • MOSIAH PTOLEMIES 200 SELEUCIDS PTOLEMIES MACCABEANS PTOLEMIES Brigham Young and other early saints arrived in the Salt Lake Valley after trekking over 1,200 miles from Winter Quarters , Nebraska . Church headquarters would be established in Salt Lake City . SYRIA SELEUCIDS 4 NEPHI ALMA 3 NEPHI HELAMAN 100 SELEUCIDS Nephites Alma I Mulekites and Nephites Unite Mosiah II O King Benjamin Alma Ho ! 200 1890 MACCABEANS MAC CABEANS 0 Jesus Christ ◆ Captain Moroni Limbi Abinadi / Lamoni Sons of Mosiah Teach 100 Nephi Samuel Missionary Brigham Young Saints Arrive in Sustained Salt Lake Valley Work Expands AUGUST 8 , 1844 JULY 24 , 1847 1850 - 1853 International missionary work quickly expand ed with elders being sent to India , China , South Africa , Denmark , Italy , France , and Chile . 0 100 Libyan Desert THE WORLD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Peter Killed Paul's Journey to Rome Nephi IV 200 MORONI GOSPELS | Matthew , Luke , Mark , Acts , John PAUL'S EPISTLES | Galatians , 1 Thessalonians , 2nd Thessalonians , 1 Corinthians , 2 Cointhians , Romans , Ephesians , Colossians , Philemon , Philippians , 1 Timothy , Titus , 2 Timothy GENERAL EPISTLES | James , 1 Peter , 2 Peter , Hebrews , Jude , 1 John , 2 John , 3 John , Revelation United People Jesus Christ Visits the Nephites 100 1900 200 Great Sea ( Mediterranean Sea ) Salt Lake Temple Completed APRIL 6 , 1893 300 Presidency Wilford Woodruff , fourth president of the Church , dedicated the Salt Lake Temple after over 40 years of construction . Troy ROMAN DOMINATION MORMON ROME ROME ROME ROME Mormon 300 EGYPT New Testament Created ● Council of Nicaea 400 GOSHEN On / Honey Ban ADIDA Moroni Nephites Destroyed Moroni Buries Records HITTITES LAMANITES 400 14 sacramento 33 Los Angeles 12 San Diego Megiddo Beersheba MILES 100 200 300 400 TIMELINE OF IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE RESTORED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST | 1800 - 1900 15 Red Sea THE DARK AGES | 500 - 1300 GREAT APOSTASY MEXICO Pueblo . Salt Lake City Santa Fe 10 CANAAN Carchemish ( SYRIA Sidom Tyre Domascus Sea of Galilee Jerusalem Dead Sea MIDIAN Ezion - geber 1400 Black Sea Fort Gutenberg Bible | 1455 1400 1500 Winter Quarters 1500 PROTESTANT REFORMATION 3 | Independence , 1831-1833 - Named as center place of Zion . Mobs forced Saints out of Jackson County in 1833 . Martin Luther 1 | Fayette , 1831 - Joseph Smith leaves Fayette for Kirtland . Two other branches of the church in Colesville and Manchester follow . INDIAN TERRITORY 2 | Kirtland , 1831-1838 - Headquarters of the Church established . First temple built . Leavenworth 4 | Liberty , 1833-1836 - Saints from Jackson County gathered until forced to leave . Joseph Smith impris oned for during winter of 1838-1839 . 5 | Far West , 1836-1839 - A refuge from Independence and Liberty . Became Church headquarters in 1838. Saints forced to leave in 1839 . 6 | Nauvoo , 1839-1846 - Headquarters of the Church until 1846. After martyrdom of Joseph Smith , Saints moved west . 7 | Council Bluffs , 1846 - Saints gathered briefly . Mormon Battalion departed on July 21 , 1846 . INDIAN TERRITORY MESOPOTAMIA URARTU HORITES Ur Haran Arabian Desert 1600 William Tyndale ● Henry VIII Split Church of England from Rome | 1509 John Calvin Christopher Columbus Discovers America | 1492 Council Bluffs 1600 Liberty Far West ASSYRIA Nineveh Assbur King James Bible | 1611 Nauvoo BABYLONIA Independence ACCAD Babylon • Babel EUROPE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT AMERICAS Mayflower , Plymouth Colony Founded | 1620 1700 1800 1900 2000 1700 The Great Awakening 1730 - 1760 LATTER - DAY SAINTS ' WESTWARD MIGRATION • Shushan ELAM DOCTRINE & COVENANTS 1800 CANADA Joseph Smith Jr. Young Kirtland Caspian Sea Lower Sea ( Persian Gulf ) U.S. Declaration of Independence | 1776 Brigham Fayette First Vision | 1820 Saints Arrive in Salt Lake Valley | 1847 GLOBALIZATION 1900 ------ Westward Route of the Saints ------ Mormon Battalion Route 8 | Winter Quarters , 1846-1848 - Temporary settle ment from where Saints , under direction of Brigham Young , departed for the West . 9 | Fort Leavenworth , 1846 - Mormon Battalion out fitted before starting march west in August 1846 . 10 | Santa Fe , 1846 - Mormon Battalion commanded by Philip Cooke . Marched from here on Oct. 19 . 11 | Pueblo , 1846-1847 - Three sick detachments of Mormon Battalion sent here . Recuperated with Saints from Mississippi . Left for Salt Lake Valley from here . 12 | San Diego , 1847 - Mormon Battalion completed 2,000 mile march here on January 29 , 1847 . 13 | Los Angeles , 1847 - Mormon Battalion dis charged here on July 16 , 1847 . 14 | Sacramento , 1847-1848 - Some discharged Mormon Battalion members stayed here and Sutter's Mill , remaining through Gold Rush . 15 | Salt Lake City , 1847 - Brigham Young arrived on July 24 , 1847. Church Headquarters established . 2000

Chronology of the Christian Church: From Adam to the Present Day

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