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Women Heart Disease

WOMEN + HEART DISEASE HEART DISEASE IS THE NUMBER ONE KILLER OF WOMEN. LEARN HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE. START HEALTHY HABITS NOW. GET YOUR CHECKUP. Research indicates that women who lead a CA healthy lifestyle before the age of 50 have a better chance of avoiding heart disease and the conditions that increase the risk of it, such as diabetes and hypertension. Some factors that increase your risk for heart disease (including high cholesterol) have no symptoms. Get regular checkups that include a blood cholesterol test. RELAX! BRUSH YOUR TEETH. Prolonged exposure to the stress hormone, called cortisol, can damage your arterial linings, making it harder for your heart to do its job. The bacteria that grow in your mouth and cause gum disease may double your risk for a heart attack. Regular brushing and flossing can sweeten your breath and improve your health. SKIP THE SODA. DON'T SMOKE. Smoking cigarette can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease by two to four times. Studies have shown that women who drink two or more sugar- sweetened beverages such as soda per day have a higher risk of heart disease. HAVE SEX, BUT BE SAFE Research suggests that people who have sex at least twice a week are less likely to develop heart disease. STAY ACTIVE. Your heart needs regular workouts in order to be healthy, even if you have a healthy BMI. As little as 30 minutes of moderate activity per day can reduce your risk for heart disease. CHOOSE YOUR BIRTH CONTROL WISELY. Birth control pills can increase your risk of heart attack and blood clots. Some types of the pills have been shown to increase the risk of blood clots by up to 65 percent over other formulas, especially in women who have a high BMI or those who smoke.

Women Heart Disease

shared by dominicreigns on Oct 27
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Heart disease is the number one killer of women. Learn how to protect yourself or someone you love through this info graphic.




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