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Why Comprehensive Sexual Education Is Necessary For Today's Society?

83 HER Smart Choice WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER Why Comprehensive Sexual Education Is Necessary For Today's Society ? It is a crucial part of both male and female life and their sexual and reproductive healthcare . This approach provides you with an accurate education on sexual health , whether it is age - appropriate , or cultural information . Benefits of Comprehensive Sex Education For Adolescents And Young People It has been seen that young people who are equipped with the comprehensive sex education study or programs in school demonstrate healthy sexual behavior , such as : Increased use of condoms & contraception . Lower rate of unplanned pregnancies . STD & | Impact On Social - Emotional Health Comprehensive sexual education ( CSE ) can have a positive impact on social - emotional health by providing accurate information , promoting healthy relationships , & fostering a sense of self - worth & empowerment . @o A clear understanding of reproductive rights and responsibilities . & Understanding gender and sexuality . A lower percentage of sexual assault , dating violence , and child sexual abuse . FORE MORE INFORMATION REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT AT HER SMART CHOICE . Fewer cases of STIs and HIV CALL US NOW Protects against misconceptions about various sex - related issues . Stronger communication skills and relationships . 213-372-0307 Knowledge of STD testing to detect infection and avoid risks .

Why Comprehensive Sexual Education Is Necessary For Today's Society?

shared by hersmartchoice on May 11
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