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Wellness Center NYC Water. It'svery important to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, because when our body doesn't receive enough liquid, it begins to detain water and it causes edema, what can bea real problem inthe process of slimming. Green tea. This drink has a cancer preventing abilities; also it helps to speed up metabolism. Drink a cup of green tea with lemon and ginger before breakfast - and in a couple of weeks you will notice that you are feeling much better and your belly fat has reduced a little. Grapefruit. This fruit is famous for its ability to reduce the feeling of hunger and burning fat. But it's betterto use it with other food because it is rather aggressive to the gastric mucosa, Fat free dairy products contain caldum, which helps to get rid of extra weight and turn onthe processes of fat burning. Protein food is very important for muscle building. Muscles are burning fat even when you are resting, so chicken breast, fish and turkey defi- nitely must be in your daily menu.

Wellness Center NYC

shared by nycholisticwellness on Aug 14
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