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Snack Ideas That Won't Hurt Your Waistline!

SNACK IDEAS THAT WON'T HURT YOUR Waistline! wwwww.wwbbrereer StrawberriesI Layer plain or vanilla yogurt with granola and strawberries for a yummy parfait. • Throw a handful of strawberries and almonds on leafy greens. • Add chopped strawberries and nuts to cooked quinoa. • Drizzle the melted dark chocolate (at least 65 percent) over sliced strawberries. Greek Yogurt • Dip blueberries into Greek yogurt and freeze. · Add your own drizzle of honey or splash of vanilla or cacao and sprinkle of berries. • Create alternating layers of 1 cup of yogurt, 1/2 cup granola and some fresh fruit in a cup. • Blend yogurt with fresh fruit, spinach or lettuce and mix in some whey protein for extra protein power. Dark Chocolate •1 ounce dark chocolate straight up with a cup of herbal tea. • Melt ½ ounce dark chocolate and dip or drizzle over strawberries or dried apricots. · Add a few tablespoons of cocoa powder to yogurt or oatmeal. Sweet Potato • Try them mashed or cut into strips, tossed with a little oil. • Bake for a healthier alternative to french fries. • Enjoy them grilled, steamed, roasted or in a salad. • Combine 1/2 medium baked potato, 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1/2 banana (or 1/2 cup berries), 2 teaspoons cocoa powder, and 3 ice cubes in a blender and mix until smooth. Quinoa • Whip up Quinoa Egg Muffins, or for a sweet treat, Cranberry Quinoa Muffins. • Mix half the amount of quinoa to half the amount of oats for a tasty porridge combo. • Mix quinoa with fruit for a fruity fresh twist. Use fruits such as mango, pineapple and berries. • Throw together any type of salad and add cooked quinoa to the mix. Eggs • Poach on top of your salad (ditch the dressing). • Scramble and toss into a grain salad like you would with fried rice, • Beat 2 eggs, heat 1 Tbsp of olive oil in frying pan, add eggs and cook 3 to 5 minutes. Top with two slices of smoked salmon and 4 avocado diced. Dark Leafy Greens • Throw a handful into your next smoothie • Top pizza or pasta • Toss into your soup Nuts & Seeds PEANUT ITTER .1 handful of almonds on the go. • 2 teaspoons of peanut butter on apple slices. Sprinkle chia, hemp, or flax seeds on your morning yogurt or toss into a smoothie. Honey • Mix honey with low fat plain yogurt to create a sweet and tangy dip for fresh fruits or vegetables. • Combine grated carrots and raisins with honey and serve on whole grain crackers. • Drizzle apple and banana slices with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. • Stir honey into peanut butter to make a spread for whole grain bread or crackers. • Stir honey, whole grain cereal flakes, dried fruit and sesame seeds together and press into energy bars. LIBananas • Make a sweet quinoa salad with sliced bananas. Spread nut butter for on top for a protein packed snack. • Freeze them for a refreshing snack. Lean ProteinNN · Bake salmon with lemon and fresh herbs with salt and pepper. • Grill a grass fed beef burger and have a sweet potato instead of bun. · Add a hard boiled egg to the side of your A.M. green juice. · Grab a handful of walnuts at the same time you grab an apple. IWater Add lemon or orange · Add basil, mint and cucumber ·A pinch of cayenne pepper • Switch up plain for bubbly water Source SIGNUP FOR NEWSLETTER!

Snack Ideas That Won't Hurt Your Waistline!

shared by FitnessRepublicUS on Nov 08
Hunger pangs? Choosing the right snack is all you need! Eating healthier doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite foods. You can still eat yummy while watching your waistline. We've got these ea...


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