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Seven Signs of Hearing Loss

Seven Signs of Hearing Los 22 Did you know that up to 2 OUT OF 3 PEOPLE with hearing loss are both undiagnosed and untreated?* * Approx., based on four million people in the UK with undiagnosed hearing loss compared to just two million people wearing hearing aids. With this in mind, how do you know if you're going deaf or losing your hearing? Let's take a look at some of the warning signs... Having the TV or radio turned up If you're having trouble hearing background noises and turning your TV or radio up result, as chances are that you're starting hearing. to lose your too loud You may not even reglise you have the volume up so loud until someone points it out to you - usually with a surprised their face or shocked or expression in the tone of their voice. ! Struggling to follow conversations and asking people to repeat themselves During conversation, if you're commonly asking people to repeat themselves and/or struggling to follow what is being said, this is a big sign that you may need to get a hearing test. Muffled hearing or difficulty hearing background sound If you have consistently muffled hearing, then you should know that something is wrong. Everything will sound distorted and quiet – perhaps like your ears are being covered. Missing phone calls or the doorbell Do you often have missed calls or people saying they've been outside your door knocking for an extended period of time? This is common with hearing loss, particularly as you are more likely to have your TV or radio turned up louder than usual. Twisting your neck to hear a sound Turning your head so that your ear is pointing towards the source of sound - whether this be someone talking, the TV or anything else, is one of the most blatant signs of deafness. Directing your sound is great for hearing it better, but you shouldn't need to do this, and over time this will also become ineffective. ear towards Upset when confronted about hearing problems Like with a lot of things, the first sign of a problem can be denial. There's plenty of help out there if you're regularly being told by a range of people that you may be going deaf. Book a hearing test and help get yourself sorted as soon as possible. Becoming withdrawn or isolated Coming to terms with personal deficiencies can sometimes be tough, leaving you increasingly likely to spend time away from others. It's important not to fret, as hearing can be improved the vast majority of the time. In a lot of cases, someone else may recognise your symptoms before you notice it for yourself. Remember You don't have to have all seven of these signs to be experiencing hearing loss. THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW that you have hearing loss for sure is to book yourself in for a hearing test with a local hearing professional. IHP Sources /a-to-z-guides/hearing-loss-symptoms INDEPENDENT /conditions/hearing-impairment/Pages/Symptoms.aspx /diseases-conditions/hearing-loss/basics/symptoms/con-20027684 HEARING PROFESSIONALS 2. п о

Seven Signs of Hearing Loss

shared by BoomOnline on Sep 22
If you’re having trouble hearing background noises and turning your TV or radio up as a result, chances are that you’re starting to lose your hearing. You may not even realise you have the volume ...




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