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Recognising the Signs of Fibroids

RECOGNISING THE SIGNS OF FIBROIDS Learn about the signs and symptoms of fibroids and know when to seek medical help . UNDERSTANDING THE SIGNALS Uterine fibroids may cause various symptoms , but they often start subtly . Paying attention to the small changes in your body helps you identify fibroids early . Excessive or prolonged bleeding during your period is one of the most common signs . THE EMOTIONAL IMPACT OF FIBROIDS + You should know that getting diagnosed with uterine fibroids not only takes a physical toll but also emotional . Strategies you can use for emotional self - care : Navigating the Diagnosis Journey ● Diagnosis and screening - Getting diagnosed with uterine fibroids can be frightening and confusing on your part . Many tests may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis , determine the number and size of fibroids , and develop a treatment plan . • Treatment - When discussing treatments , do not be afraid to speak up and ask plenty of questions . Understanding all your options is a must if you are to decide the best path forward . Ask about the risks and benefits of each treatment . Finding Support and Community Online support groups and forums - These allow you to connect with women dealing with fibroids from all around the world . Local in - person support groups - These support groups also offer the benefit of face - to - face interactions . Meeting Been there " group- Connecting with a community of women who have " been there " provides solidarity and hope during difficult times . > Final say - Of course , the experiences of other women should supplement , not replace , medical advice from your gynaecologist . Taking Charge of Your Health As you learn about the available treatment options , you can take steps to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life . ww Managing symptoms medically - Medications like NSAIDs and hormonal birth control may help relieve period pain and heavy bleeding . Managing symptoms through lifestyle changes - Certain lifestyle changes may also help manage fibroid symptoms . Getting regular exercise can relieve pain and boost energy . Try yoga , walking , swimming , or cycling . Maintaining a healthy weight also reduces risk . Eat a nutritious , anti - inflammatory diet focused on fruits , vegetables , whole grains , and lean protein . Uterine fibroids cause heavy , painful periods , pelvic pain , frequent urination , and other disruptive symptoms . If you notice these signs , don't ignore them . Connecting with a recommended gynaecologist in Singapore for proper testing and diagnosis should be your next step .

Recognising the Signs of Fibroids

shared by emilyteoenrui on Nov 06
This infographic aims to provide valuable information on recognizing the signs and symptoms of fibroids



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