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The Process For Total Shoulder Replacement

THE PROCESS FOR TOTAL SHOULDER REPLACEMENT A timeline leading up to and after your total shoulder replacement. THE WEEK BEFORE SURGERY 01 Look at Dr. Jurek's website for extensive information. Make sure you have loose- fitting, easily-donned clothes to wear after surgery and you've removed any obstacles around your house. 02 THE DAY AND NIGHT BEFORE SURGERY Dr. Jurek recommends showering with a SOAP special soap called chlorhexidine (unless you are allergic) the day before surgery. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. 03 THE DAY OF SURGERY We'll talk with you, answer questions, and go over the anesthesia plan for your surgery. When the surgery is completed, you will wake up with your arm in a sling called a shoulder immobilizer. THE DAYS AFTER SURGERY U4 You will follow up with Dr. Jurek approximately 10–14 days after your surgery for an incision and x-ray check and a discussion of the plan for the next few weeks. Sara Jurek, MD. Shoulder Surgeon Bellevue, Wa.

The Process For Total Shoulder Replacement

shared by alvinixon5 on Feb 24
A timeline leading up to and after your total shoulder replacement.


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