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Need to Know About Eczema [Infographics]

ECZEMA WHAT IT IS NEED TO KNOW .Sleepless Nights Bleeding skin. 20% 1 in 5 children and 1 in 12 adults suffer from Painful bathing and showering... ..Painfull skin eczema .itching and scratching Eczema Allergens Inflammation of the skin Baby Eczema Baby eczema is a term commonly used to describe rashesh on babies . CHARACTERISTICS INCLUDE REDNESS ITCHINESS DRY, CRACKER OR FLAKY PATCHES BLEEDING MORE THAN 15 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE U.S HAVE SYMPTOMS OF ECZEMA Baby eczema can appear at any stage. Usually though, appears within the first few months of a baby's life and is gone again by the age of 2. Signs of Eczema In Children What It Looks Like • Infants tend to get little bumps and red skin on the cheeks, forehead, and scalp that may then spread to the chest and arms. • Preschoolers and school-aged children are more likely to get itchy, scaly eruptions at the bends of the arms, knees, and wrists, although they can also get round or oval patches that can look like ringworm gone wild. How It Gets Worse Dry weather, chronic rubbing or irritation, and the loss of skin oils through exposure to soap and hot water can all make this job harder, leading to skin irritation and a cycle of itching and scratching. Treatment Hydrate The Skin The first step is to prevent the loss of moisture and oil from the skin. Kids should take short, tepid baths or showers and use minimal soap, taking care to use a hypoallergenic, moisturizing soap or soap substitute. You can even add mineral oil to the bath water to help hydrate the skin. Restore Moisture To The Skin The second step is to restore as much moisture to the skin as possible.Thick ointments like petroleum jelly tend to work better than lotions, which may contain irritating alcohol. Look for something you have to scoop out of a pot with your fingers or squeeze from a tube. Avoid moisturizers with added colors or scents. For severe cases of eczema, wet wraps can help return moisture to the skin. Petroleum Jelly Stop Scratching The third step is to break the itch-scratch cycle, especially at night. Doctors often recommend antihistamine medications to help with itching and sleep. You can remind older children to apply a cool compress to the skin in place of scratching, and soft, lightweight gloves can help keep kids from scratching in their sleep. Be sure to trim fingernails short to reduce the chances of skin infections. Decrease Inflammation The fourth step involves decreasing inflammation of the skin. Over-the-counter cortisone cream can help, but in more severe cases doctors often use a variety of stronger topical steroids. Other anti-inflammatory creams, including tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, can also help, especially for eczema on the face, where doctors tend to avoid using strong steroids. Prepared By Cortisone Cream Cortison Cream

Need to Know About Eczema [Infographics]

shared by DavidMahoney on Feb 05
Eczema is generally a continual skin problem that causes dryness of the skin or rashes of your skin. A number of the most common symptoms with this skin condition are; skin inflammation, swelling or i...






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