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Most Amazing Israeli Medical Advances

Gamida Assigned for correction of severe Cell spinal curvatures with minimum risks, scar size, complications, recovery time and cost. Developing stem-cell therapy products to treat blood cancers, solid tumors, non-malignant blood ApiFix System diseases such as sickle-cell anemia, autoimmune diseases and genetic metabolic diseases. Most Amazing ISRAELI Brought to you by OAlliance Medical Advances GLODAL MEALTH SOLUTIONS Self-navigating, flexible colorectal cancer MicronJet GI View screening device will make lifesaving colo- noscopy screenings cheaper, safer and Aer-0-Scope more accessible worldwide. Single-use needle for painless delivery of vaccines into the skin using semiconductor technology. Bionic walking assistance system, using powered leg attachments to enable paraple- gics to stand upright, walk, and climb stairs. BioWeld 1 Rewalk Robotic IceSense3 Exoskeleton Bonds surgical incisions using cold plasma within minutes, sealing and disinfecting the wound with minimal Used to remove benign scarring and recovery time. breast lumps in a 10-minute NeuroEndoGraft ultrasound-guided procedure that penetrates the tumor and engulfs it with ice. Non-invasive monitor for continu- ous and spot measuring of poten- tial donors' hemoglobin level and Flow diverter which redirects blood flow NBM-200 other blood parameters. from a brain aneurysm, so that a stable clot can form and the potentially fatal aneurysm no longer is in danger of rupturing. Bio Retina Implantable device inserted into the retina, which tums into an artificial retina that melds to the neurons in the eye. Transforms natural light into an electrical impulse that stimulates neurons to send images to the brain. Total Lift Bed Destroy tumors and uterine fibroid cysts without surgery and with MRI-guided focused ultrasound. ExAblate OR The world's only hospital-grade bed that can elevate a patient from a lying to a fully standing position – and all points in between – for treatment and transfer with no lifting required of the caregiver/ Info from open sources

Most Amazing Israeli Medical Advances

shared by astralwebinc on May 12
Achievements of Israeli medicine in diagnostics and treatment methods of various diseases are recognized worldwide. The advances of Israeli doctors are numerous and we can hardly present them all, so ...








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