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It’s Hard to Meet Nutrition Goals If You Don’t Have Data on Nutrition

IT'S HARD TO MEET NUTRITION GOALS IF YOU DON'T HAVE DATA ON NUTRITION GLOBAL NUTRITION REPORT At a 2012 meeting of the World Health Assembly, all 193 UN member nations committed to achieving global nutrition targets by 2025. So far, the number of countries on course to meet the global targets is much too low. This is complicated by the fact that too many countries lack the data necessary to even evaluate their nutrition progress against the global targets. COUNTRY STATUS: No data Off course On course REDUCE STUNTING in children under age five by 40% 86 PREVENT OVERWEIGHT among children under age five from increasing 76 84 87 Stunting-when children are too short for the ir age-is associated with a host of negative health, educational, and economic consequences. 22 Overweight and obese children are more likely to develop noncommunicable di seases like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases at a 31 younger age. CUT WASTING in children under age HALVE ANEMIA 180 70 in women of five to less than 5% 64 reproductive age Wasting-when children are too thin for their height-increases the risk of death from nutrition-related causes. Anemia-a form of iron deficiency and the most widespread nutritional disorder in the warld-results in ill health, last earnings, and premature death. 59 wwW.GLOBALNUTRITIONREPORT.ORG Source: Global Nutrition Report 2014. Note: Countries committed to six nutrition targets, but for two of these-reducing the share of infants who weigh too little at birth and increasing the share of children who are exclusively breastfed-it is not yet possible to assess country progress.

It’s Hard to Meet Nutrition Goals If You Don’t Have Data on Nutrition

shared by IFPRI on Nov 20
At a 2012 meeting of the World Health Assembly, all 193 UN member nations committed to achieving global nutrition targets by 2025. So far, the number of countries on course to meet the global targets ...




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