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Generic vs Brand Name Drugs

VSGENERIC DRUGS the Rip presents BRAND NAME the idiocy of paying more for the same thing Generic. It's not a very sexy word, and at the grocery store generic products can be of inferior quality to their brand counter- parts. But in the pharmacy aisle, the rules are different. Generic pharmaceuticals must be identical in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use. Well, generics are almost identical. There is one major difference. Generics are 80% CHEAPER on average. Let's meet a familiar friend... HELLO my name is isobutylpropanoicphenolic acid ОН ...also known as Ibuprofen or Advil. The process for creating Ibuprofen was patented in 1961 (3,385,886) and was available for prescription in 1974 and over the counter in 1984. Advil The patent expired two years later. Advil Advi buprofin Ibuprofin Ibuprotin Adia Ibuprolin uprofin So why is Wyeth, a subsidiary of Pfizer, and owner of the Advil brand, spending $114 million a year in advertising trying to sell a product whose only unique feature is its higher price? lbuprofin Because there is an off chance that you may be a moron. Generics may seem like the obvious choice but there are powerful emotional attachments (branding) at work. Let's try an experiment. You have a migraine. Which would you rather buy? Advil OC Ibuprofen Capsules 200 mg MIGRAINE Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer 40 Solgels *liquid filled capsules Liquid Filled Capsules or Liquid Filled Capsules 200mg 40qty $12.99 200mg 40qty $4.75 Now what if there was a sale. Advil CC Ibuprofen Capsules 200 mg MIGRAINE Pain Relever,Fever Reducer 40 Sofgels "liquid filled capsules Liquid Filled Capsules or Liquid Filled Capsules 200mg 40qty $4.75 200mg 40qty Would you still reach for the generics? Likely not, because the Advil brand has a real value to you. It may not be an $8 value, but it's certainly more than 24 cents. If you have Advil in your cabinet, you probably still believe in some of these lingering generic myths. 1. Brand name drugs just work better. False. Generics are required by the FDA to be as effective as their brand name counterparts. 2. Brand name drugs are safer. False. The FDA receives very few reports of adverse events from specific generic drugs. Recent brand name recalls should put this myth into question. Just ask the makers of Tylenol. 3. Generics use low quality ingredients. False. because they don't have to recoup research and advertising costs. active ingredient is always identical to the brand name drug. Generics can offer lower prices The Don't forget the gimmick. When a patent expires, brands need to be competitive in other ways. Gimmicks can be trademarked. Advil Advil Advil MIGRAINE Advil Advil M LIQUI-GELS active ingredient: 200 mg Ibuprofen Generic Generic Tablets Caplets 200mg 400 mg 250 qty 72 qty Advil Generic Generic Caplets 200mg 100 qty Advil Ligui-Gel Liqui-Gel Liqui-Gel 200mg 400mg 400mg 16 qty 12 qty 60 qty Advil | Advil GelCaps Liqui-Gel 20mg 200mg 32 qty 115 qty mg of Ibuprofen 4 5.7 8 10 13.3 21 26.3 28 per penny The shelves are all stocked with the same ingredient, but when you look at the value per miligram you're getting there can be a 600% difference. Pfizer --UPDATE-- Pfizer responds We stand firmly behind the value Advil brings to consumers. For more than 25 years, millions of people have trusted Advil for safe and effective relief of their aches and pains. Pfizer Consumer Healthcare is committed to the development of products based on the most advanced science and supports continued research in the area of pain management and health.

Generic vs Brand Name Drugs

shared by jess on Apr 18
There are reasons why so many of us buy named-brand drugs instead of their generic equivalents; and none of those reasons are good ones.



By Jess


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