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E cigarettes

2COLD NICOTINE / GUM TURKEY Going "cold turkey" means giving up cigarettes without any assistance. Smokers simply stop smoking. A small piece of gum is chewed for 1-2 minutes and then held against inside of the cheek. This is repeated several times each day. - Nicotine levels and frequency of O use are gradually lowered. Steep success curve. Must endure all effects of nicotine withdrawal including anxiely, irritability, anger and restlessness, NICOTINE 4INHALER Cheapes! and Helps with oral fixation resulting from smoking. I Requires good planning. Expensive May cause throat and stomach irritation. NICOTINE LOZENGE fastest method. Typically prescribed by doctors. Releases an aerosol nicotine Very similar to nicotine gum. A lozenge is sucked on which releases nicotine into the bloodstream. solution which is inhaled. Mimics the action of smoking. Poor success rate. Couses less irritation than gum. 1 Expensive. Poor success rale. Difficult to find. NICOTINE PATCH A patch is applied to the skin and is replaced once per day. Nicotine strength is lowered gradually. 3 PRESCRIPTION 31% Pills are prescribed by your doctor, lypically Chantix or Bupropion. Prescription is taken for at least 12 weeks. СHX 1.0 8.4% Does not help with oral fixation. Long period of use. Requires planning. Expensive. |Easy to use. Many side effects including dry mouth, insomnia, nausea, obnormal dreams, depression, hostility, and suicidal thoughts and behavior. Good 13% 9.8% SUccess rale. Easy to use. 22% ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE Flavored water-based nicotine 14% to 21% solution is vaporized and inhaled. 9.2% Closely mimics the taste, look and feel of cigarettes. Does not contain tar and carcinogens. Several levels of nicotine aivable. Inexpansive compared to other metods. Finding preferred model and flavor can be difficult - but we can help. Chances of a New Dawn: Quitting Aid Success Rates The unfortunate reality most smokers face is that eliminating cigarettes from their lives is extremely difficult. Smoking becomes second nature and is relied on by millions. Luckily there are many methods available to help avoid the harm of cigarettes. These are the 6 month success rates of the options smokers have to aid them quit tobacco Sources V Cocktail Nerd Nicotine Gum - 8.4% & Nicotine Patch - 9.2% - Ston, S. kof. C.Heleburch. SL. Gosine. 1. 0ovdesky. CW. Oiarg Yod 12001) Roal wold ficay of prmoipionord orer the counter ricoline reglocement heragy" Addidion 7. S06-S16 Cold Turkey 22% - Cheang, T, HH. Yong. R. Barland (2007. Does how you qt akad ucct:a conparisan betnoan abrugt ond gradual mahoda ing das from the ltemolional Tobacce Conral Pulicy Evaluatian Sud" Odord Jounal: Nicoire k Taboca Ronorch. P: B01-01D. Nicotine Lozange 9.8% - ShAhon S, Dresler CM, Htaakt. GiburtsJA, forget DA. & Sroh KR 12002 "Eicocy oia ncotre koonge for moking coton." Achive of internal Medicire. 42E1267-1274. Nicotine Inhaler - 13% - Halonan A Nin , Snan , wiland O 1PR7 Te ricoire inholer in pking cetian Auch em Med 1PR7|1A 1731-a Chantix 14% : Hughes , Bonnord S, Fingor . Tabot SK. Cala P, Pagerihon 12011) tcary of voranicise to prompt quit otemph inncker not oumenfy tying e quit a rendomiasd placeba connalled rid. Nicotre abocco Resorc, (10535-964 Bupropion 21% - Polck EC. MCormeck 1R Eron MH. etol. 00I "Oom of bapropion tey lo mking ceion dring roine diricol me" Anas el Hemoeop. 140185-R0 E-cigarettes 31% - Siegel M, Tanwar KL, Wood S. 2011| Bacronic cigorate aa unoking-ccion: tbal rh fhan an anline urvey. Am Jh Mod 2011; 40: 472-5. ***** Presented by

E cigarettes

shared by VaporCigaretteS... on Mar 27
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