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Dealing With Allergies in Spring

DEALING WITH ALLERGIES IN SPRING Spring allergies are typically caused by an increase in pollen in the air . Here's a list of the most common forms of allergies found in spring : 01 HAY FEVER • Stats show that allergic rhinitis affects around 19.3 % of the population of Australia . . With hay fever you may experience a runny nose , itchy , watery eyes , ear congestion and sneezing fits . 03 CONTACT DERMATITIS • If you've spent the day gardening & weeding your lawn and woken up the next day with blisters all over your hands , you may have accidentally touched a plant that causes contact dermatitis . • Contact dermatitis is not contagious and doesn't spread . Keep windows and doors closed when indoors , especially at night . . When gardening or mowing , wear a face mask , hat and protective clothing or outsource the task . . Avoid hanging laundry outside as pollen can stick to them . 30,000+ Unique Weekly Visitors SPRING ALLERGIES PRECAUTIONS 8 primemedic 02 SKIN ALLERGIES . Around 1.6 million Australians suffer from atopic dermatitis , with the disease usually affecting children . 85,000+ Registered Users The same allergens which cause hay fever may also trigger skin allergies , hives and rashes . INSECT BITES • Insect bites and stings can cause pain , itching , swelling or redness around the affected site . ● 04 . In certain cases , these bites and stings can cause a potentially threatening allergic reaction Known as anaphylaxis . . Avoid outdoor activity on early morning on days when pollen count is high . . Use a portable HEPA filter , air conditioner and dehumidifier when indoors . Although several over - the - counter allergy medications are available in Australia , you may need a prescription for others , in which case Prime Medic's online doctors in Australia can help you get a prescription online . GET RELIEF FROM YOUR ALLERGY SYMPTOMS TODAY ! Spring clean regularly to remove pollen and allergens from your surroundings . 60,000+ Consultations Conducted 40+ Registered Doctors

Dealing With Allergies in Spring

shared by primemedicaus on Nov 11
If the above steps don’t help and your seasonal allergies are affecting your quality of life, it may be worth booking an appointment with one of Prime Medic’s online doctors in Australia.




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