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Countries Where Children Are the Most Satisfied With Their Lives

COUNTRIES WHERE CHILDREN ARE THE MOST SATISFIED WITH THEIR LIVES Based on UNICEF's ranking of mental well - being ( life satisfaction and adolescent suicide rate ) , physical health ( child mortality rate and percentage of overweight children ) , and skills ( academic proficiency and social skills ) of children in high - income countries RANK 1 10 RANK 1 2 Denmark 3 Norway 4 Switzerland 5 Finland 6 Spain 7 Netherlands France 8 Belgium 9 Slovenia 10 Sweden 11 Croatia 12 Ireland 13 Luxembourg 14 Germany 15 Hungary 16 Austria 17 Portugal 18 Cyprus 19 Italy 30 Mexico Romania Finland Croatia Switzerland Spain Lithuania Iceland France Luxembourg Denmark Finland Norway Ireland Switzerland Spain Germany Japan Italy 20 36 Denmark Czechia Belgium 38 MENTAL PHYSICAL WELL - BEING HEALTH 5 11 13 12 3 7 17 23 22 10 26 19 16 15 21 6 2 30 9 9 4 8 32 6 23 18 7 11 5 25 17 2 10 21 12 26 29 31 COUNTRIES WITH THE LOWEST CHILD MORTALITY RATE ( ALL CAUSES ) , AGES 5 TO 14 38 24 17 SOCIAL SKILLS 3 GNENT ~ ~ a ō IN ∞ GAON - N Card - 16 - Worlds - of - Influence - child - wellbeing.pdf ) 12 4 2 14 10 6 28 21 13 17 COUNTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN WITH HIGH LIFE SATISFACTION AT AGE 15 Netherlands 20 24 12 15 90 86 85 84 82 82 82 82 81 80 0.36 0.5 0.6 0.63 0.64 0.66 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.73 COUNTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE PROFICIENT IN MATHEMATICS AND READING AT AGE 15 Estonia Ireland Finland Slovenia Japan Germany Poland South Korea 27 14 79 78 78 75 73 73 72 70 69 69 69 Source : UNICEF ( 19 22 16 9 34 31 26 15 11 RANK 20 Japan 21 South Korea 22 Czechia 23 Estonia 24 Iceland 25 Romania 26 Slovakia 27 United Kingdom 28 Latvia 29 Greece 30 Canada 31 Poland 32 Australia 33 Lithuania 34 Malta 35 New Zealand 36 United States 37 Bulgaria 38 Chile 33 GOOD MENTAL WELL - BEING 29 Greece Portugal Israel Cyprus Turkey Italy Spain ce Denmark United Kingdom GOOD PHYSICAL HEALTH Japan Estonia Lithuania Switzerland SKILLS FOR LIFE Slovakia Sweden Belgium Romania Netherlands Denmark 23 28 25 37 Romania Norway Croatia Netherlands Spain France Cyprus Italy 37 34 24 33 20 4 14 29 25 8 31 30 35 36 28 38 32 18 27 COUNTRIES WITH THE LOWEST SUICIDE RATE FOR 15 - TO - 19 - YEAR - OLDS Belgium Hungary Denmark Slovenia Switzerland 18 MENTAL PHYSICAL WELL - BEING HEALTH 32 1 13 14 15 16 34 27 19 24 35 30 22 28 20 32 33 38 37 36 COUNTRIES WITH THE LOWEST PERCENTAGE OF CHILDREN OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE , AGES 5 TO 19 35 SOCIAL SKILLS 27 11 22 16 34 30 36 26 29 31 18 25 19 33 35 23 32 37 38 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.4 3.6 3.7 HANNHERE 14 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 COUNTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE WHO MAKE FRIENDS EASILY AT SCHOOL AT AGE 15 25 25 83 82 82 81 81 1 1 79 7 万 7 万 7 万 7 万 79 81 81 79 79 79 79 MA AAA STATE OF PLAY®

Countries Where Children Are the Most Satisfied With Their Lives

shared by BebopGriffin on Aug 21
Most parents seek to empower their children to live fulfilling, happy, successful lives. A child’s happiness is influenced by many things, but society definitely plays a big role. This infographic e...


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